Friday, 29 November 2024

Scotland is not listened to

Scotland is not listened to III ….and neither are ordinary voices across the UK 

(We need voices of Reform)


I have been told by some – ‘at least we live in a democracy’. But is it really I have to wonder? How is it? When Scotland’s voice and votes are ignored. Scotland has not voted Tory since the 1950s yet a Tory government has been imposed on us. Scotland has voted for an SNP mandate 8 times, who’s main purpose is our self-determination, which we are refused by Westminster. 


After Quebec (Quebec is a region and not an ancient nation like Scotland) also voted in a close fought referendum in 1995, on their independence, Canada offered Quebec self-government and guess what, they actually delivered on their promises! Quebec state runs their own immigration, broadcasting, trade, economy, taxes and more. As do US states. Scotland does not control its immigration, broadcasting, trade, economy and more....In fact Quebec can hold a Referendum when ever they choose, plus they have protections for their Quebec culture and language. Scotland has none of these things – so how is this union consensual?


By stark contrast, before Scotland’s 2014 referendum, there were many false promises - vows even – that Scotland would have full self-determination, more business and industries, and be an equal partner (well by Gordon Brown, how was he supposed to deliver this full federalism exactly?) More like lies. Because none of their promises have happened and its even worse than that - devolution has gone backwards and into reverse with powers being taken away since Brexit. Its unbelievable all these ‘better together’ folks now telling us that the British state is failing us!


Anglo Scot Tory MP Michael Gove, says the union is or should be the UK governments top priority – why? Because of course they need Scotland’s resources to exploit. (Also with Labour’s GB energy plans) to exploit (again) Scotland’s resources, what’s in this plan for Scotland’s benefit?

Part of the issue is that the Scots vote for a centre left social democracy – while many in England still hanker after and believe in the empire days, class superiority, central control and trickle-down economics etc. Part of these divides here in Britain is the class-driven part, and is religious even (with Orangemen on the streets). It is not often addressed that Scotland’s independence is a complex set of issues and class is definitely a factor. Many middle class Scots feel they have more in common with the middle classes across England than with their fellow Scots. Many continue to believe the UK is a major global player. 


However with regard to recent scandals, not only are Scots ignored, but ordinary folks across the British state are not listened to either. There have been so many scandals towards ordinary people trying to make a living here UK that have been totally ignored – Windrush, Grenfell, Sub Postmasters, Blood scandal, Waspi women. The truth of these stories of Broken Britain is also that people across these islands are not listened to. 


And its only been getting worse in our fake British pre-democracy - of a broken voting system, where the crown is used for unlimited powers to the PM and is about an unassailable hierarchy and an enforced so called ‘stability’. One where the public’s ‘real’ concerns are often ignored – over Gaza’s genocide, tax havens, land reform and our resources being unfairly exploited.  


Detoxify the political narratives – how do we do that? Who decides? So much flack and not enough truth and reality. 

It seems that part of the problem is that for most people here in Britain and Scotland, including the political system itself, they have only known this highly centralized governance, unless they have lived elsewhere in the world and are able to see that Britain is the outlier here. This centralising British state is not normal. Journalist Lesley Riddoch writes that the route of Scotland’s independence is through giving all local areas a say in their futures. I recommend her excellent new book Thrive. She is an advocate for de-centralising and ‘real’ local government.  We don’t need Holyrood to emulate Westminster!


The unionist’s negative media blitz on the SNP, have cast Scotland’s independence movement adrift and we must urgently take action. There has been enough dithering and delays. As some say this is a civil rights movement to protect our rights for economic justice, social justice, our rights to protect Scotland’s many resources, our right to democracy and self-determination. The Scottish people’s right to sovereignty. I’ve begun to wonder some, if not most, of the UK government’s belligerence towards Scotland is due to incompetence above all else. Britain’s media attempts to project a semblance of its ‘democracy.’ But the British state is a more subtle dictatorship: one where the power of the Crown in Parliament is abused, where there is little if any balance or opposition, an unworkable and undemocratic first past the post voting system, and one where anyone can be anointed to the second chamber (House of Lords). The voting system fails us all, where only a few marginal seats matter.


Top theorist Tom Nairn writes that broken Britain’s institutions are crucial to enforcing the myths of empire and crown stability – established with the all-powerful sovereignty of the 1690 British Constitution of the crown in parliament. I wonder after watching two TV dramas on the US Opiod scandal (Dopesick and Painkiller) when it took a photographer to fight for the Sackler name to be removed from major Art galleries – we are now living in a time of great exploitation by multi-national corporations and with corruption at high levels, Well done to Channel Four News for their scoop of Paula Vennell’s voice saying she knew about the Horizon failings way back in 2013. Globalization has many drawbacks.


A Sunday Times editorial April 21, 2024, was about the dreadful Contaminated Blood Scandal, much of it brought from US prisoners and drug addicts 70s and 80s. Medical records were falsified and children were knowingly given infected blood. Around 4,000 died with no compensation given. Tony Blair’s Freedom of Information act has led to cover ups with secrecy a sickness at the heart of Britain … “a culture of secrecy set the state against the individual. It makes it almost impossible for citizens to recover the truth and right wrongs. This contributes to apathy, spreads disillusions and encourages conspiracy theories. An official apology must be made. It’s a bloody disgrace.”


So how can this Broken Britain system be reformed? Labour are not a party of reform – in previous governments they have only tinkered at the edges and they view stability as the bedrock of the British system they support and are part of. Starmer’s ‘ordinary hopes’ and his aim to address the fallen myths of England are all wrapped in the union jack flag, really offers little. They’re part of the liberal elites.

We need to reach out to others across these islands who also believe in a modern progressive democracy. I saw this happening at the Break up of Britain conference. Voices across Britain are also being ignored and they recognise the need for reform and change – such as the academic Anthony Seldon who wrote recently in the Times about how Whitehall needs major reforms. 


In Wales they are calling for more powers – in fact Labour in Wales wrap themselves in the Welsh flag and Welsh language, unlike Labour in Scotland who reject the Saltire! Ireland did not only want independence “for its own sake” – their independence was about wanting their land and resources for the people and not an elite. To protect all their rights as a free people and nation. 


Independence isn’t given, it has to be taken. So we must act and act now. Labour set up fake devolution to stop indy and keep Scotland stuck. For the elections ahead the SNP need a positive message of hope for social justice, reform, education and for the empowerment of local voices. I agree with others, that we need a Constitutional Convention to galvanise the yes movement focus (why wait?) – in order to move the debates forward and to reach out to those crucial undecided. Also to find common ground. For many of us this is a fight for democratic rights. 


The only real route I can see is for Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland to take to lifeboats – sooner rather than later – there is a better way ahead. One where citizens at local level can secure their own futures and offer hope. The fight against the centralising control of the global elites is about smaller more adaptable nations. Being small is a benefit not a drawback, and Scotland’s is an average European state. Scotland has abundant natural resources and sits in an important strategic position. 


I often wonder why Scots have so little faith in themselves to run their own country – as we once did. The most ancient in Europe. Why do we have so little faith? When once we led the world with enlightened thought and innovations. This is not about division – its about ordinary people being heard. Scotland’s independence must be about Scotland’s voice and the rights of ordinary people. Imagine a Scotland that could control its own resources!!