Showing posts with label Stills and Nash. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stills and Nash. Show all posts

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Crosby, Stills and Nash, Concert Hall

CSN played a quality set at Glasgow concert hall

I'm a fan of perfect male harmonies. There were so many great examples during the 60s - The Everly brothers, The Hollies, The Beatles. And then there was the southern California sound of the Beach Boys, The Byrd's - followed by Crosby, Stills and Nash (CSN) and later the Eagles.  

The Gig
On stage CSN have set up three Indian carpets and Nash dances often in the centre in his bare feet., Stills plays full on rock n roll guitar and David Crosby has striking white hair now.

They began with strong rock band songs with their impressive vocal harmonies and backed by a quality band. They performed their hits - Marrakesh Express, What's' That sound, Southern Cross, Love the One Your With. 
In the second half they each showcased their own material - Nash with the reconciled Myself at Last, Stills rocking up the energy with throbbing guitar on Virtual World and Crosby with a mesmerising What Makes It So.

It was notable that Crosby has more blues and jazz influences in his song writing.  At one point Crosby said – that Nash wrote anthems the world enjoyed to sing, Stills wrote the rock and roll and was one of the top rock guitarists, while he, Crosby wrote the weird stuff!  The trio finished their set with two of their biggest hits - Teach Your Children and Judy Blue Eyes - which got the audience to their feet.

This is very much a trio of equals – vocally and musically, coming together and also following their own musical individual styles.
The combination of their distinctive styles, also the American, Canadian and British mix, produces a unique blend of rock, blues and melodic pop.  Impressive gig.

From the outset, the band decided not to be locked into a group structure. They used their surnames to ensure independence and so the band could not continue without one of them.

There is today a resurgence of harmony singing with the popularity of a cappella choirs, and the popularity of films like Pitch Perfect.  

Thursday, 19 April 2012

*The LA sound - The Byrds to The Eagles

Crosby, Stills and Nash; Neil Young; Joni Mitchell; David Geffen. And The Laid back acoustic sound of Laurel Canyon - All about the SONG

In the early 70s LA became the centre of the music business as young artists moved there rather than to New York city. Artists came to play the well renowned LA Troubadour venue.

The artist was the centre of the business, which was driven by the songwriter and by self publishing singer songwriters. Crosby, Stills and Nash were known for their beautiful 3 part harmonies and exquisitely roving melodies. Then we had flower power and hippies.

Carole King and James Taylor moved there from New York and King’s Tapestry album spent15 weeks at no 1. 

Ambition and idealism ‘counter culture' was the name of the game.
However.....eventually the business men moved in and it became more about managers and lawyers - more about business and less about the music. The Corporation of Rock.

Recently I thought... where are the great songs of today? 
And so I begin to wonder about the cheap club nights and that's what ears get used to.... and that it is it simply not about THE SONG anymore?
In my view the cheapening of music has led to some kind of diluted commodity with no thought about quality anymore.

Unbelievable clip  -
John Lennon and Paul Simon present the Best Song Award 1975 at the Grammy's when Olivia Newton John beats icons - Elton John, Joni Mitchell and Roberta Flack!!
The Industry never ceases to amaze me! 

 Most amazing CLIP of Judy Blue Eyes ( Joni mitchell)