Now is a time to look at the bigger pictures after this surprise Leave EU vote by middle England’s older voters. In todays world of instant Internet connections and easy travel - perhaps the Nation State and what it means has changed irreversibly?
Its important to know and understand
both our nationhood and our interconnections with other places. Perhaps it is necessary to be grounded in
order to be outward-looking?
Englanders want England back it
seems. Scottish people want Scotland back too. What this all means for Ireland
or for their ancient old rivalries is hard to call – will the northern Irish
people really want old borders back again?
However what will this mean for
scientists and others who rely on co-operation and funding in Europe?
The rest of England has spoken up
against the Elites of both London and Europe. Just as Scotland too has been
speaking against these elites. The banking crash of 2009 is causing major
**The EU is
not a Super state – neither a state nor an empire but a union of states and
peoples whose policies were arrived at through consensus seeking and
Scotland has voted to REMAIN in Europe and Nicola Sturgeon has said another independence referendum is now on the table.
Scotland has voted to REMAIN in Europe and Nicola Sturgeon has said another independence referendum is now on the table.
nationalism and legacy of imperialism, comes to the 21st century through
contemporary mass media every day and evening”
Perhaps this VOTE has been about the Control and Lies of Murdoch's press?