Tuesday, 19 April 2022

To set up Scotland’s very own media


worldwide success of Outlander

Scottish Media and Broadcasting. To set up Scotland’s very own media! Yes


When the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, was set up 1933, its strange that Scotland, an ancient nation begun 9th century, did not insist on its own media – when Scotland has always kept its church, Scots law, education and with its four ancient universities. 

Its been a cultural disaster for Scotland writes Paul Scott Henderson in his book on the Scottish Enlightenment. 


After recommendations by the Advisory Council for Arts Scotland 1981, initiated by the Saltire Society - some arts councils have set up here – The Scottish Arts Council (Creative Scotland), National Theatre of Scotland, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, (nearly closed), 


Nearly all Scottish arts councils have been run by English directors. Andrew Dixon, who ran the National galleries wanted to remove all Scottish art as he believed it was inferior and close the Scottish National Portrait gallery – but there was such an outcry and protest in Edinburgh, instead the historic building in Queen street was refurbished and reopened in 2014.


Henderson writes, “The problem is that many Scots children go through their entire time at school and learn nothing of their own Scottish culture, history or arts. This is shocking as most countries teach their national culture. Instead Scots learn about English culture which teaches them to feel second rate and inferior.” 


I have my own personal experience.

When I lived in the States, I had no idea I should be proud to be Scots – of the Scottish rich heritage – (even though I studied higher history)! I know Scots had made a few inventions. I knew of Robert the Bruc but I had no idea of the Scottish enlightenment. 

Brian Cox in Succession

James McAvoy

“Scotland’s government is responsible for Scotland’s culture, but has to ignore the most influential means of cultural expression. All the small, newly independent, nations of Europe have their own broadcasting and even the state of Catalonia has its own four tv channels.”


Are changes afoot 2022 – with the recent global successes of the series Outlander and at Cumbernauld studios; filming Batman Glasgow; Brian Cox in Succession; and several other well known Scots actors. And with Sam Heughan portraying Jamie Frazer a proud and principled Highlander.  #¥esScots



Jamie Frazer and Claire