Showing posts with label #¥esScots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #¥esScots. Show all posts

Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Claim of Right


Is the principle that recognises that the people of Scotland have the sovereign right to determine the form of government best suited to their needs. First set out by the Declaration of Arbroath in 1320. Before this Scotland had been governed by a succession 113  kings. Scotland was founded by Fergus Mor in the  5th century, followed 9th century by the union of the Picts and Scots under Kenneth I. 

In 2018 there was the case of McCormack vs the Lord Advocate  - “The principles of unlimited sovereignty of parliament is a distinct English principle has no counterpoint in Scottish constitutional law. This was later endorsed by the UK parliament. 


Scotland’s Claim of Right is not based on conquest, but under a Treaty under International Law, and two acts of parliament, that ratified and implemented the treaty. 

These measures can be rescinded as circumstances changed, if their conclusions no longer prevail, and the disadvantages that arise from the present political structure. The present Scottish government and parliament are competent to renegotiate a withdrawal from the treaty. 


At present Scotland is a country but not independent, within the framework/political union UK, yet retains strong national identity and sovereign rights. 

The UN international Bill of Human Rights, as a fundamental human right and binding on the UK on the right of self determination, which determines that -

All people have the right to self-determination., . by virtue of the right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”


In culture, Scotland’s distinctive music, dance, literature, architecture and uniquely preserves the Celtic culture.


I wonder that some in England wanted a Brexit, to bring the UK closer back together. They forgot about Scotland’s long standing historic ties to Europe, which has left many Scots feeling bereft to loose their place in Europe. But also the small indy nations in Europe are out performing. 


None of these claims are anti- Britain. The opposite – Yessers believe a more successful Scotland will make the UK stronger. As a family of nations rather than warring tribes.  #¥esScots



Thursday, 30 June 2022

The Glories of the Scots Kings

James IV and Margaret Tudor

In film and TV, Scots Royalty is often portrayed wearing drab cloth is dingy castles, and as backward or out of touch heathens! These images are totally untrue! Recently Stirling castle has been renovated to reveal a highly colourful and richly decorated ceiling in the Great hall.

The Scots Crown jewels
 and the Stone of Destiny were hidden after the incursions of Edward Longshanks.

The Scots welcomed Charles II back and  he was crowned at scone, after he promised to protect the Scots Presbyterian religion. But he went back on his word. 

For centuries Scots had close trading routes to Flanders and were highly influenced by European materials, style and fashions.


The Reformation, while bringing enlightened thought and education, also meant much of Scots Art was destroyed. But one remained hidden in  abasement according to artist Lauchlin Goudie.


This suppression of another nation’s culture and language is a way of destroying that nation. Russia presently in the process of flattening Ukrainian buildings but its also about crushing Ukraine’s’ culture and language. 

James V

 James V wears a gown with sleeves of cloth of gold, a fabric woven with expensive gold thread. Such a material, which could be melted down to release the precious metal, was a conscious demonstration of wealth and kingship. The collar is encrusted with hundreds of pearls – a style of which the Scottish king appears to have been fond. His wardrobe inventory of 1539 describes a gown with a hood and collar ‘stitched with 49,500 pearls’. The large-scale undulating design seen on the sleeves falls into the category of motifs later classified as pomegranate. Pomegranate patterns for fashionable clothing were increasingly replaced by smaller-scale designs during the sixteenth century, although later artists such as Anthony van Dyck continued to use them as backdrops in their portraits.  #¥esScots

Tuesday, 31 May 2022

Scotland must move forward with new ideas


Scotland must move forward with new ideas from the tired, old arguments of the social left vs extreme right capitalism, all controlled from a centralised power. There must be a new way – more nuanced, inter-changeable, connected, more accountable and inclusive, greener and more local. To be forward thinking, to pursue coalitions and the collaborative. To have ingenuity and renewability. To listen to young voices and believe in the future, rather than clinging to past, out-dated processes.

There are social issues that require policy guidelines and laws. Its urgent with the climate crisis to establish a progressive energy security policy and encourage reform and research and more scientists in politics. I’ve lived abroad and in most other developed nations most states run their own economies, immigration and more. Scotland’s future must lie with an improved way to govern. What is wrong is constantly harking back to live in a past that is gone and being stuck as the Westminster Bubble is. Everything Westminster or the Tory government does feel wrong, undermining democracy and with no moral compass. And encouraging its 2 tier system. 

Why I believe that History matters. I’ve learned from reading history – that the Scots did not invade Ireland under James VI, the plantations of Ireland were begun under Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth; that Scotland boasts three ancient universities; that Scots scholars established American universities Columbia, and Princeton, and were part of the founding fathers (John Witherspoon (1723 – 1794) according to Professor Tom Devine;  and that religion really IS a force for good in the world but that its ambitious and ignorant politicians who thwart and encourage religious divisions for their own gain; That there were 'United Irishmen' late 1700s for reform, that included both Catholic and Presbyterians. Perhaps (?) improved local government and decentralization would assist with northern Ireland issues? Who knows.    

The Scottish enlightenment has been Scotland's biggest contribution to the world and there were two enlightenments, according to Alexander Broadie, Professor of Logic and Rhetoric at Glasgow university in his book, The Scottish Enlightenment. The first was Post Reformation with Scots scholars studying and teaching in Paris, and being leaders in Europe; This resulted from the collaborations between France and Scotland. Scotland had close trading links to Flanders and the rest of Europe, in those days when we had busy seafaring ports. Scotland before union 1707 was a trading and outward looking nation and a leader in Europe, not isolated or backward at all!

Broadie writes about the first Scottish Post Reformation enlightened scholars and that Enlightened thought began with the collaborations between France and Scots in the 16th century. The professors at Scotland’s ancient universities studied and taught in Paris with famous figures in philosophy, law and theology. The auld alliance between France and Scotland lasted for over 400 years from 1290 to 1707, and continues to this day.

Scotland is very much a European country according to according to Broadie. He writes that Scotland was culturally as much part of Europe as France, with the shipping lanes to Flanders and France and Scots scholars studying in Europe. ‘The three pre-Reformation, Scottish universities – St Andrews, Aberdeen, Glasgow - have always been strongly oriented towards Europe” ..and that the teaching staff were foreign-educated Scots.”


Scotland’s European connections are centuries old, dating from 16th centuriy and beyond – and not only about wars but about our scholars, language, ideas and innovations. Many Scots words are from Flanders and France.


Its important to understand the significance of the Reformation and of enlightened thought on democracy and education in Scotland and worldwide. According to historian Tom Devine, Scots enlightened thinkers took their philosophy over to America and founded universities there, notably John Witherspoon who founded Princeton– and Scots were some of the America’s founding fathers. Freedom from intellectual servitude is celebrated by Robert Burns in 1796 when he lauds the stance of the man o independent mind, in his poem A Mans a Man for a That.  The man o independent mind is aboon them all.


II  History matters and is good for us! Essentially history gives us a moral backbone and human understandings. So there should be an increase in History teaching in schools, right through secondary school. Information and truth is crucial to move forward. To know history as a solid foundation. This teaching should run alongside the teaching of philosophy, which encourages critical thought.

In recent times we have witnessed the breakdown of democratic principles both in Europe and the US. We hoped the internet would open opportunities, but sadly it also provides dark tunnels of entrenched negativity. Our best defence is education, open debate, open minds – the opposite of narrow and limited populism. Crucially this is done through the arts, history and philosophy – and let us look to enlightened thought and freedom of speech as the way forward.   #¥esScots

Saving the Scots Language

Iona Fyfe

There’s the issues of Russia’s recent imperialism invasion of Ukraine, is this cultural genocide or fear of the economic successes of a more democratic Ukraine, or both? Does Putin want to erase Ukrainian culture, language and arts?

In Ireland one of the biggest issues is the Irish language which - unionists are fiercely against. In Scotland its not so long ago that children were belted in class for speaking in Scots, and teachers here were told they would sound ignorant if they spokein Scots! Its about the imperial domination of one culture over another. This is totally fake as Scotland was and is a world leader. Its a disgrace the way Scotland is usually portrayed in films as an ignorant or backward country, when this is a lie.

Why can’t we have both a common language and also celebrate our differences? In Switzerland they have high German in university lectures but speak Swiss German in their breaks.


Billy Kay recently gave an address to the Scottish parliament in Scots. to which there was a backlash by Labour politicians, claiming Scots is not a language. He is the author of the book, The Mother Tongue, published in 2006?


After the Brexit failures, it is British or English nationalism that is the problem. Suppressions of your culture has a devastating effect and left Scots feeling second class and inferior. I had hoped the days of imperial vandalism and repression were behind us now. 



**Scots Language recognised

Scots singer Iona Fyfe campaigned recently to have Scots language added on Spotify.

She had noticed on Spotify that there were all other living languages – Welsh, Cornish, Gaelic, Irish,

But no Scots. She contacted Spotify, asking to have Scots recognised also, but was ignored. 

 Then she met a Spotify executive at a music event in America and told him of her request and within a few days Scots had been added. 

Result. Well done Iona!  I took photos of Iona at Celtic Connections and was impressed with her voice. Check her out here –



**Scottish nationalism - doesn’t want a superior voice just an equal one. Its inclusive or civic and about all who want to make their home in Scotland – its about places, unique Scottish geography surrounded by open seas at the edge of Europe and close to our Nordic cousins. 


Shetland is a mere 140 miles from Norway -. Orkney is home to the Brognar of Ness – which was an ancient temple, visited by people from all over Europe. 

And also Scapa Flow Orkney, where the naval fleet was stationed in the war. 

Sadly though the Homecoming Scotland excluded Jamaican Scots 2014, we importantly need to reconsider our vast Scots diaspora. 


 By contrast the words ‘all in England’ or the English or viewed as more ethnic and doesn’t include all who live in England. According to leading psychologist Stephen Reicher, at St Andrews university.

Its important indy supporters make it clear Scotland’s independence Is not about ‘ethnicity’ but about all who live Scotland.    #¥esScots

Scottish Art and Anti-Scottish lobby


The Scottish Reformation 16th century introduced a democratic structure to run the church and education for all. Scots were the most educated people in Europe. 

However in recent times those recruited to run Scottish arts have been mainly recruited from England, who clearly have no knowledge of Scots heritage, history, language, music or arts. And this is "all designed to imply that Scotland is a dull backwater which has never produced anything of importance.” - writes Paul Henderson Scott in his book Scotland: A Creative Past. This was also a result of the extreme centralising in the UK during the wars of the 20th century.


The exception is Celtic Connections, whose artistic director is Donald Shaw from Oban (Capercaillie). In a new improvement in 2022, violinist Nicola Benedetti has become the first Scots (and first woman) director of Edinburgh festival. Nick Barley from Yorkshire, is director of Edinburgh book festival. 


- In her article Scotsman Carol Craig writes  of, ‘The Scottish crisis of confidence about Scots feelings of inferiority.”


- Crawford Beveridge, first chief executive of Scottish enterprises 1990s, stated that the major problem facing Scotland is “a lack of self-belief.”

 How can this be true in a country that has contributed so much to the world in ideas, inventions, literature and arts? The answer is that education of many Scots has left them in complete ignorance of all of that. London became the main centre of the British empire. Back early 17th century, James Stewart VI of Scotland and England  in a treaty with clan chiefs on Iona, had them agree that their eldest sons would be educated in England.


One problem is the number of private schools in Edinburgh (at 25%) and with English students dominating Edinburgh university and St Andrews. #¥esScots



BOOK – Scotland: a creative past, an independent future, Paul Henderson Scott-

Tuesday, 19 April 2022

To set up Scotland’s very own media


worldwide success of Outlander

Scottish Media and Broadcasting. To set up Scotland’s very own media! Yes


When the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC, was set up 1933, its strange that Scotland, an ancient nation begun 9th century, did not insist on its own media – when Scotland has always kept its church, Scots law, education and with its four ancient universities. 

Its been a cultural disaster for Scotland writes Paul Scott Henderson in his book on the Scottish Enlightenment. 


After recommendations by the Advisory Council for Arts Scotland 1981, initiated by the Saltire Society - some arts councils have set up here – The Scottish Arts Council (Creative Scotland), National Theatre of Scotland, Scottish National Portrait Gallery, (nearly closed), 


Nearly all Scottish arts councils have been run by English directors. Andrew Dixon, who ran the National galleries wanted to remove all Scottish art as he believed it was inferior and close the Scottish National Portrait gallery – but there was such an outcry and protest in Edinburgh, instead the historic building in Queen street was refurbished and reopened in 2014.


Henderson writes, “The problem is that many Scots children go through their entire time at school and learn nothing of their own Scottish culture, history or arts. This is shocking as most countries teach their national culture. Instead Scots learn about English culture which teaches them to feel second rate and inferior.” 


I have my own personal experience.

When I lived in the States, I had no idea I should be proud to be Scots – of the Scottish rich heritage – (even though I studied higher history)! I know Scots had made a few inventions. I knew of Robert the Bruc but I had no idea of the Scottish enlightenment. 

Brian Cox in Succession

James McAvoy

“Scotland’s government is responsible for Scotland’s culture, but has to ignore the most influential means of cultural expression. All the small, newly independent, nations of Europe have their own broadcasting and even the state of Catalonia has its own four tv channels.”


Are changes afoot 2022 – with the recent global successes of the series Outlander and at Cumbernauld studios; filming Batman Glasgow; Brian Cox in Succession; and several other well known Scots actors. And with Sam Heughan portraying Jamie Frazer a proud and principled Highlander.  #¥esScots



Jamie Frazer and Claire

Thursday, 31 March 2022

Reasons for Scotland’s Independence

Many write lengthy reasons for why they want to see Scotland’s independence, as I have too - and there are many reasons certainly. Many people don’t have the time for complex explanations. Here are my main reasons - Democracy, Economic, elites, Resources, Culture, History & Belief. 


Scottish Democracy.  Scotland does not get the government it votes for, for the past 75 years. This is mainly because of an out-dated first-past-the-post voting system.  On top of this the UK boasts the largest unelected second chamber (after China). The UK is a failed and superficial democracy. The first Parliament of Britain was set up as long ago as 1707, before universal suffrage or a constitution and crucially Westminster shows no sign of any desire to reform. The UK abuses the powers of the “Crown” with its highly centralised state.

Constitution. The UK operates with no constitution, so I want a new Scotland to set up a constitution to protect our human rights and protect democracy. 


Economic. One main reason is economic. The UK economy has been set up for decades to service the city of London – to increase its house prices and serve the finance centre. This holds back and sucks from the rUK, and means any manufacturing base is discouraged. Manufacturing business is the basis for a healthy economy. In order for Scotland to have economic control we require our own currency and central bank. 

Elites. Another reason is the unworthy elite, and the UKs proliferation of Boarding and Private schools. This 2-tier system holds back large numbers of children from future successes.

And leading on from this is Social Justice – so all children are given a fair chance in life. Otherwise our nation is held back .This is not about being equal, because clearly we’re all different, but about fair opportunities.

Resources. For Scotland to control our own resources and land. Our resources have been exploited and stolen for centuries.


Another is Cultural. 

To improve our knowledge of our past stories and our sense of place: to know our heritage in art, music, literature. Scotland suffered centuries of having our Scots language, culture and history suppressed. Scotland is one of the oldest nations in Europe and dates back to the 9th century – so its very important to protect our stories, culture and history. 


History. The teaching of history urgently needs improved and to continue history teaching throughout primary and secondary schools and to move on from projects on the Roman empire, to broader and more recent topics of Europe, America, and Scotland. Scotland was at the centre of the Enlightenment, Post Reformation with many top scholars taught in Paris and key figures such as - John Mair (1467-1550), James Dalyrumple (1619-1695), Duns Scotus (1265 – 1308),  Francis Hutcheson, 1694 –1746), George Buchanan (1506 – 1582), David Hune (1711- 1776), Adam Smith (1723- 1790). Scotland was a much part of Europe as France!


Scots Media and Broadcasting. To set up Scotland’s very own media. When the British broadcasting corporation BBC, was set up 1933, its strange that Scotland, an ancient nation begun 9th century, did not insist on its own media – when Scotland has always kept its church, law and education. Its been a cultural disaster for Scotland,

Security. To set up a proper defence system. 

Belief. In Scottish people and our ability to make our own decisions. 


What Scottish independence is NOT – it is not about nationality. Scotland is multi-national and international. Scotland welcomes all who want to make their home here. What Scotland independence is about, is making our own decisions for our ancient nation with a new de-centralised model and greater local government. Boris Johnson keeps calling those who want Scotland’s democracy “nationalists” – this is totally fake and WHY is he allowed to keep calling the SNP the ‘Nationalist party? He thinks this slow drip is very clever and the SNP must fight back with a SLOGAN – 

‘SNP for Scottish democracy” and make it much clearer what we are fighting for here. 

The National stands for the nations best interests. 


We might argue also in these times of turbulence Scotland needs the protection of independence more than ever before - to secure our energy policy, protect our resources and economy, protect our jobs, and futures and much more besides. We don’t need every detail decided ahead, only broad outlines, because the whole point of independence is to be flexible, innovative, creative and adaptable! 


There are no risk free options, rather we must consider what path is in our country’s best interests.  (OR a so-called union that holds Scotland back.) The Scottish independence movement must now make the Westminster supporters or the unionists defend their positions! Tory catastrophes – Windrush scandal, Grenfell, Brexit, Covid failure and deaths, bombs to Yemen, billions to PPI scandal. (Plus the Failures of the Labour opposition).


The UK portrays itself as a ‘benign democracy’ – when the reality is that the powers of the crown means a highly centralized government, that is often unaccountable, corrupt and elitist. I hope an independent Scotland gives us the chance to meet these challenges and to build a reformed and better Scotland.


Ultimately the Scottish Independence question becomes - is Scotland a nation with its own culture, history and stories distinctively and if so, how is Scotland best governed? The national interest is considered  a good thing around the world! The question returns to – is Scotland a distinct nation or simple part of Britain? It used to be Scotland was an integral part of the UK – but today the Scottish Parliament has less powers than a hundred years ago. The biggest issue driving a wedge into the UK right now is English nationalism.


Step back for the bigger picture with the crises of rising seas, loss of workers rights, drives to net zero and. It truly makes so much sense for Scotland to forge its own future in the 21st century. Any arguments to hold onto the past mistakes only ring hallow and false. We shouldn’t hesitate to vote for the future and not the past. Enlightened thought matters as much today as it ever did.


I don’t know if these reasons are in order of importance, because culture seems central and all about how we see ourselves. It is the smaller nations that are more successful and adaptable. With only limited devolution powers it is not possible to achieve these goals. Only with full independence. #¥esScots



(**In 2022 we see the passion and drive of Ukrainians. Theirs is a fight is between democracy, their rights and freedom AND autocratic dictatorship, that rules through fear. )