Saturday, 31 December 2022

Our Year of Chaos 2022


Talisk Celtic Connections

And Politics!! Its become impossible to keep up or understand the chaos at the heart of the UK system! With the cost of living crisis, public sector strikes, the Kwertang budget – we have to wonder the UK government is prepared to spend billions on strange projects, wars etc but not on the workers. We are hit with strikes after our 10 years of Tory austerity – workers have had enough! – of paying the price for financial services failures and the UK as masters of war.

It has been great to see concerts return after the long months of the pandemic – the Edinburgh festivals were back in August with, while reduced programs, at least the return of the buzz of in person events.  

CELTIC CONNECTIONS music festival Glasgow 2023 will return this January with a full and in person program, celebrating its 30th year! Celtic Connections 2022: A highlight was a top concert with the Skye band Niteworks backed by the RSNO, who performed original material with their fusion of Gaelic and Scottish traditions. Another highlight as always was the Transatlantic Sessions led by Jerry Douglas and Aly Bain and featuring American singer 



Edinburgh International book fetsival 2022 returned with in person events. Outlander author Diana Gabaldon gave an inspiring talk – as did Irish Times journalist Fintan O’Toole; Yi Lea from Albania spoke of freedoms; along with Oliver Bullough on his book Butler to the World -


PLUS in October I enjoyed seeing another artistic stalwart, Bob Dylan in Glasgow, who has written one of his best albums at 80 and still going strong -


Bob Dylan Clyde Auditorium Glasgow

Rab Noakes
*Music Loses  
We lost several top artists this year, including well kent folk music legend Rab Noakes, I will miss his concerts  Its now the passing of the baton to a new generation. Rab believed in the organic way to learn your craft, through the live performance. I am glad I attended his last concert here Milngavie folk club, last June. My Chats & Tribute to Rab Noakes here -

PLUS the songbird Christine McVie – Rumours is one of my top ten albums of all time.

**Do Scots have equal rights in our unequal union?

Balfour Report: It appears that British dominions are considered “equal” – what exactly does that mean?! The Balfour Reports of 1926 was an important development in Canada’s evolution become a fully self governing nation .the report declared tat Britain and its Dominions were constitutionally equal. The findings of the report were made law by the British Parliament in the 1931 statue of Westminster.


**ARTS funding

Many of the arts continue to struggle due to reduced audiences and increased energy costs. The Edinburgh film house has closed along with a major Edinburgh art gallery. I can understand focus on sports, but for the aspirations and long term to me the ARTS are very much not a side issues but the essence of who we are. 


In Switzerland they speak High German in lectures at university and the local German dialect is spoken in the common rooms – but one is not considered of higher value than the other. 


The skill of being able to see the Big Picture amongst the chaos.

No time for standing still. Some have no time for taking notice and they miss so much. 

Arts and culture I believe, are crucial in our lives – they express who we are, our stories, aspirations…Perhaps new crossroads lie ahead. 

#Scotland and #EUROPE. Many across the UK are now turning against Brexit, while the Tories continue to battle to keep the extreme right wing at bay. One of the main reasons for Scotland’s enlightened thought - Reformation 1560 to the 1700s – was our close collaboration, integration and trade with Europe. Our scholars studied in Paris and beyond, and also taught there.

 When the UKs Brexit happened it was such a profound and distressing wrench for Scotland, it was extremely hard to write about. Many of us thought the EU project had brought us peace, stability, security, and prosperity. Most Scots feel European of heart and mind and culturally.


Dependency Supporters

Choice between Scotland’s independent sovereignty and the politics of DEPENDENCY 

Language really matters. I agree with the Wee Ginger Dog we must stop calling those who “advocate dependency” - unionists, which implies a positive working together, when this is not happening  at all. Scotland is ignored, Scotland’s resources have been plundered, and her voice suppressed. Its crucial we stop using the false term “unionist” and instead call those who want to hold Scotland back – “dependency supporters.” This UK is very much not a partnership – the term unionist is fake and  misleading. A union refers to a partnership (or marriage) one in which each partner has an equal say - of compromise, collaboration, negotiations. 


Culture and language drive and are ahead of our politics. This is about Scotland’s voice.

The policy makers in London are using derogatory language against those who believe in Scots sovereignty. – they use terms such as ‘separatist’ and ‘nationalists’ to imply Scots are driven by ideological greed, ignorance, selfishness, divisiveness. While they know full well most Scots want to work in an indy nation in the EU trading block and be international, left of centre and outward looking. 

For centuries Scotland has been a seafaring international and trading nation with our great seaports (now mostly closed apart from apart from Aberdeen). Scotland does not need to trade via the bottleneck of Dover - we can trade direct to Europe as Ireland does.


Succession actor Brian Cox suggests the British isles can be a “Federation of sovereign states, one in which we can all b citizens and participate, and have an equal say and pull together for the common good of all.” At the moment this is not happening here UK, because this is not a partnership. Its about 3 smaller nations being dependent on all rules, policies and decisions set in London, for the benefit of the south of England, in a highly centralized monarchy/ parliamentary sovereignty/ power structure, where the Crown is used to assert power, for the benefit of the empire state not the people. And operates its dirty money London Laundromat. Much more centralized than a century ago.

(Please note – Labour and Conservatives are English political parties. After Scotland’s indy Scotland needs its own political parties, which would naturally evolve here, to cover differing views. Scotland’s indy is about more local and accountable government.) 


Some refer to England as the “parent state” and they believe they own Scotland. By contrast most Scots believe that back 300 years ago in 1707, Scotland, as one of the oldest nations in Europe, with its rich diverse history, and deep lasting connections to scholarly learning in Paris from the time of Reformation - as explorers, as mercenaries, and innovators. - that Scotland entered into a voluntary partnership with England for trading reasons. At that time Scotland had 1million people, England had 4 million. Historians tell us Scotland was never a colony – yet if surveys asked the English or Scots if they believed Scotland is a colony, they will surely say yes – as we do not have self government but are ruled from the capital of another nation. 


There’s been a general ignorance of Scots history and Scots culture is not celebrated by Dependence supporters. That’s if Scots know any of their history, after decades of being only taught English history in our schools. Scotland was not conquered in 1690, even though Cromwell tried and got as far as Dunnottar castle. In fact Charles II was crowned firstly at Scone on our Stone of Destiny. Culloden was the last pitched battle here UK – there were Scots on both sides, as well as French and Irish. These were religious battles. Crucially at Charles III ascension he pledged the freedom of Scotland’s church. 

The big question is, how efficiently does Devolution work – with civil servants in London making decisions? What does devolution mean, when Scotland is allowed to run only some of its affairs? 


It’s a confused, messy picture. Do dependency advocates think that devolution works well, because most Scots are totally confused - what is reserved, what’s run here? Does Scotland run its own energy policy (no, the UK runs energy but has had no energy policy), does Scotland run its economy and tax (no). After leaving the EU, the London government now interferes in many devolved matters. So its even more confusing. Tories appear intent on wrecking devolution settlements. 


Back before WW1 Scotland ran more of its own affairs. This isn’t about Edinburgh becoming another centralising London either but about greater local control. This isn’t about personalities – its about the wider yes and civic movement. A good plan is for a Citizens Assembly to grow our ideas for the way ahead, organically from the ground up. That’s the only way to grow support for our independence. It appears from studies that many Scots are very confused over what devolution means, what independence means in todays world of interconnections over trade (as in the EU). I believe it would be very helpful for all sides, ideas and views, to clarify what both these arrangements really will mean. 


It all depends on whether you see the UK as a free democracy or an empire state more concerned with the global empire – than the people who live here. The UK requires radical reforming on all levels and to put people first! This is a struggle between Westminster sovereignty and the sovereignty of the Scottish people. Since union 1707 Scotland has always been run separately with a Secretary of State. Of course the uK likes confusion and has no constitution. We need clearer and simpler details of what devolution and independence means for us. Most voters are confused and I am sure the UK encourages confusion just as there no clear constitution. 



Friday, 30 December 2022

BURNS memorial window St Giles


Burns Memorial window St Giles

I have wondered that there is no memorial to Burns in central Edinburgh. I discovered after visiting there is a new memorial window to Burns in St Giles – commissioned in the 1980s. However it is not highly noticeable without reading all the blurb. Edinburgh had a big effect on Burns when he stayed there several times between 1786 and 1788, in order to publish his second edition of poems. He spent time at William Creech’s publishing house near the Mercat Cross. He went to gentlemen’s clubs and was feted at the ploughman poet at the parties of the Edinburgh literati. 

One of Breidfjörd’s largest commissions, this window celebrates major themes in Robert Burns’ poetry. Burns was a Scottish poet who lived during the 1700s. He is celebrated throughout England and Scotland as a great peasant-poet. Most of his poem was written in Scots and portrayed traditional Scottish culture.  

In the window, the lowest section is filled with vivid green in order to represent the natural world. The middle sections represents human unity through the many different human figures portrayed. This is supposed to be regardless of race, colour or creed. 

The top portion portrays a sun with a heart being a sunburst of love which blossoms like a rose. The window panes that surround this portion appear to be shaped like a heart

Song Bird Christine McVie


Fleetwood Mac 1970s

I was deeply saddened to hear of the death of our beautiful songbird Christine McVie. – best known for songs with the rock band Fleetwood Mac such as Don’t Stop, Little Lies, Hold On, and of course her classic Songbird. She says the song came to her overnight and she had to keep singing it until morning when she was able to then record! 


Christine began playing with Fleetwood Mac in 1968, initially as a session player and joining the band in 1970. Her first compositions with Fleetwood Mac appeared on their fifth album, Future Games. She remained with the band through many changes of line-up, writing songs and performing lead vocals. 

In early 1970s the band moved to LA after the death of Peter Green and Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined. Christine and Stevie were great friends. Rumours is one of my all time favourite albums. 

Christine spoke of her long standing friendship with Stevie Nicks -  “We're totally different, but totally sympathetic with each other. We are dear, dear friends. We don't have any competition on stage,” McVie told Rolling Stone of her band mate Nicks in 2014; that was but one of the many compliments the two artists have exchanged in public over the years.”

Fleetwood Mac were distinctive being led musically by two women! Also for mixing English rock and LA sounds. 

Lindsay Buckingham & Christine McVie

In 1998, after 30 years with the band, she left and returned to England to set up home there. She then lived in semi-retirement, releasing a solo album in 2004. After therapy to over come her fear of flying she was able to visit band mate drummer Mick Fleetwood in Hawaii and returned to playing with the band. She also recorded an album with L
indsay Buckingham.

Reunion Fleetwood Mac 2014

McVie was an English musician and songwriter. She was best known as keyboardist and one of the vocalists of Fleetwood Mac. McVie was a member of several bands, notably Chicken Shack, in the mid-1960s British blues scene

She was described as "the prime mover behind some of Fleetwood Mac's biggest hits". Eight songs written or co-written by McVie, including - “Don’t Stop, Everywhere, Little Lies, Hold On, (on Fleetwood Macs 1988 Greatest Hits album)

She played on the band's last studio album, Say You Will. McVie also released three solo studio albums. As a member of Fleetwood Mac, McVie was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and in 1998 received the Brit Award for Outstanding Contribution to Music.

She appeared on stage with Fleetwood Mac at the O2 Arena London 2013 and rejoined the band in 2014 and for their On the Show tour 2014. McVie received a Gold Badge of Merit Award from BASCA, the Ivor Novello award for Lifetime achievement. She was also the recipient of two Grammy awards