Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts
Showing posts with label youtube. Show all posts

Friday, 30 August 2024

Caroline Lucas Another England at Edinburgh book festival 2024


The nation is a construct of stories” Phillip Larkin.


Fourteen years in the European parliament, and former English Green party leader

The UK is coming apart. Wales wants a new constitution, Scotland has over 50% support for independence and Ireland has moves to unify. England appears to be left squeamish about the English flag - as a symbol of imperialism and exceptionalism. There is also the rise of the right in England. Lucas said we need a different story, of a more progressive England. 


British Trust attempts to bury slavery, the story of imperialism was a good theme and initiatives to alter that story .The recent violent riots in Southport – the media were reluctant to name it. There were counter protests against racism and of another England.


There is a need to see England as separate from Britain. There is the myth of 4 equal nations likely to encourage the rise of far right. Anglo-centric British nationalism which constantly muddles England/ Britain. The English lack confidence in ‘who’ we are. The hate-filled language of the Tory party the past decades has had consequences. 


Lucas has a long-standing interest in literature.. She is interested in the narratives and false histories of England. The battle of Flodden was won by Catherine of Aragon – which was written out of history by Henry. The victors rewrite history. Robin Hood did steal from the rich - but never gave to the poor! The Spanish Armada was held back by bad weather. The Charters of the Forrest – which gave rights of landless people to forage, but who has heard of it? The Magna Carta was about the rights to restrain the power of the king. 


England is nature depleted: the right to roam in England, is only 8% land, and 3% rivers. The history of the enclosure movement. They discussed, should the values of today be imposed on the values of the past? Lucas felt that history is always evolving and the Colston statue in Bristol is now in a museum with a plaque stating his story. After all statues are often put up much later on, by those who want to use history for contemporary needs. 


There is a Chapter on inequality – on a wealth tax, constitution, reform voting system. Take finance out of politics? She is a big admirer of Anthony Burnett of Open Democracy, who is a constitutional expert. She’s concerned about the disengagement of young people from politics and a fairer voting system. At the recent General election, a third of people didn’t bother to vote. This is a serious issue. Labour won a big majority of two thirds of the seats, with only a third of the vote. 

(Comment: We were told by the powers that be back in 2011, that we get strong government with our First past the post voting system,(!!) when we had a vote on the issue – and weak, chaotic government with Proportional Representation, such as France, Germany and all other European countries have! Only Belarus uses FPTP voting. First past the post voting means that most votes don’t count and only marginal seats matter. It also means there is a lack of negotiation and collaboration in the UK government, compared to elsewhere.) 


There is a lot literature can tell us. Lucas asked us to put people and planet before profit!

 I was sad to hear Little is retiring from his role at the book festival as an interviewer. 

**Allan Little - “Edinburgh festival essentially became a peace project.” 

Thursday, 19 January 2012

*So Who is Lana Del Rey?

I thought I’d join the Lana Del Rey debate!  If art is measured by the controversy we create then she is already a winner!

Firstly the way the industry works today there is all this beavering away ‘behind the scenes’ in the studio writing and recording with producers. Fair enough. However there appears to be little emphasis on live music, even as live music and festivals become an ever bigger part of the music industry.

WHY do new artists such as Del Rey (aka Lizzy Grant) have to ‘pretend’ she sat at home playing guitar, when she simply was picked up by a label a few years back. This fairy story that it all happens by ‘magic’ is nearly non-existent these days. (unless you want to believe those pretend reality tv shows?) Many young people now ‘train’ at music colleges or study music at school. With instant Internet inspection the norm these days the minute an artist puts their music online there really is little room for any errors the way it was back in the 6os.  Back then it was even Ok to sing covers, goodness(!) while now to do so you have be a tribute act …..

All this good exposure online also has its drawbacks!  
Lana is clearly used to singing alongside a piano and on the Saturday Night Live YouTube clip she looked lost with the rock band. There are and should be all kinds of performers; those on the big stage and those on the small intimate stage. Lana plays the intimate stage perfectly. She has a unique husky subdued voice. Lovely. 
 Here she sounds pretty good with acoustic piano and one guitar -  actually strings would be good in there too!
(I also enjoy her retro fifties feel of her look and image.) 

Saturday, 15 October 2011

Lana Del Rey - Video Games

She has a haunting and beautiful voice.  Lana has been a big internet hit with her video on YouTube 'Video Games' now at over 2m hits.
There has been controversy on the web over her reincarnation from Lizzie Grant, and comments over her new image being put together by the Label guys... What's the big deal here? - Dylan was Mr Zimmerman and never rode boxcars. Many artists reinvent themselves, that's the whole point!
There appears to be a community online of those who wish 'put down' those in the creative industries. It is easy to criticize, harder to actually put yourself out there.
(Woody Guthrie rode those box cars though...)