Showing posts with label book. Show all posts
Showing posts with label book. Show all posts

Monday, 30 September 2024

Irvine Welsh Resolutions, Edinburgh book festival 2024


Welsh has had a great deal of success since his first novel Trainspotting 1993 was made into a film. He spoke about his new book Resolutions, and said that he tapped into the energy of his characters.

Welsh was asked about his views on Scotland’s independence. He replied, In the 80s he didn’t believe in independence and his thought was that -  “Scotland was shite. In the 90s it was that England was shite – but now that English imperialism is shite!


Welsh discussed with Denise Mina, the third instalment of his bestselling CRIME series: detective Ray Lennox makes a connection between an eminent local and a group of missing foster care boys as he embarks upon a new life in Brighton. 'The truth is what we say the truth is . . .'

Lennox is determined to start a new life. He has left Edinburgh Police behind for a fresh career and a fresh relationship in Brighton. Then he meets Mathew Cardingworth. Rich, smooth-talking and immaculately dressed - yet he soon draws Lennox back to a past that he's desperate to forget. As Lennox identifies the links between Cardingworth, a series of violent attacks and the disappearances of a group of foster care boys, he is forced to ask himself: what must he sacrifice to expose the truth?

Welsh was asked about his views on Scotland’s independence. He replied, In the 80s he didn’t believe in independence and his thought that -  “Scotland was shite. In the 90s it was that England was shite – but now that English imperialism is shite!”

Recently Welsh interview with the National he said "Scotland voting no at the Indyref 2014 has been a disaster."

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Joseph Stiglitz Road to freedom, Edinburgh book festival 2024



Stiglitz is a Nobel Laureate,  worked for the world bank and a chief economist under Clinton -  His new book, Road to Freedom, looks at the role of the state and the idea of freedom, and his theories of Progressive Capitalism. That there are no free market he said, we have the rule of law, property – there are always trade offs. He recommends that the enlightenment of 250 years ago should be taught in schools. It’s the reason we live better today.  

He is critical of both Milton Friedman and of Friedrich Hayek and his book Road to Serfdom (1944), being taught at Stanford, and who influenced both Reagan and Thatcher in the 80s.  “Keynesian economic markets have failed, with one out-of-four unemployed. Government spending could improve economy. . retirement security made a difference and the NHS. In America the private sector has failed, with 20% GDP on worse healthcare outcomes.” Friedman argues that government’s greater role and social benefit will lead to authoritarianism."  He talked of Authoritarian capitalism, when counties have too little. By contrast in the Nordic countries, there is the strongest support for democracy.  

He spoke of American ideology and mythology around freedoms and the American revolution. Slaves are not free. And who is going to rule? What do we mean by freedom? What do we mean by freedom to do?. Recapture the nation. Freedom for potential and to achieve. 

Should everyone have the right to own an aK47 – means others loose their freedom to live. There is also the freedom from fear. Every school now teaches what to do if a gunman enters the school. Which freedoms are more important? Freedom to live is more important.”


He spoke of examples – such as traffic lights, that take away your freedom and are restraints. “In a city if there are no stop lights there is chaos. Therefore traffic lights give people more freedom to do. The recent Pandemic – there were good vaccines paid for by government, a quick response. People have to pay taxes, taxes are a restraint. Some restraints will increase freedoms.”

His book looks at the issues around capitalism and freedoms. He argues that the Keynesian theories that free markets are efficient and lead to democratic markets, is disingenuous. He spoke of Pinochet in Chile – who was advised to force radical ideas on banking – but it will take twenty years to get out of the mess!   “These theories are about creating inequality, to exploit. Free to choose. Free to Exploit. No competition laws. These ideas were wrong – economically wrong. Freidman was very successful selling an idea of unrestrained markets. 

Neo Liberalism)- for successful economies and Thatcher/ Reagan followed. That market forces would lower costs. That profits will increase by scamming people and maximising profit and this is not a well being society.” Bankers get rich.

He spoke of the influence of Adam Smith (the great enlightenment theorist here in Edinburgh) and the invisible hand, will lead to successful societies. The force for innovation. And why you need regulation to direct that force. That the markets are not operating adequately. 

Stiglitz spoke of the impacts of the Scottish enlightenment thought. “How do we reason about society. We need checks and balances – and no government is perfect.  We need Collective administrations and restraints. And then we can expand everyone’s freedoms. Books 1 to 3 – unregulated: Books 4 to 5 – Role of the state.”

Clinton and Blair, followed this free market thinking. “Clinton felt their pain”. But the de-regulation of the Banking system led to the Banking crisis of 2008. The banks made a lot of money. 

Why haven’t Progressive ideas won?” “Neoliberal ideas are very profitable for a few people. Climate crisis, poverty crisis. Unrestrained markets are problematic. Failings are now so great, that Progressives might have a moment. But disaffected areas are moving to support Trump – but Trickle–down economics has failed; socialism has failed, communism has failed.”


Are you hopeful?  - His book is based on the hope that this battle can be won. He spoke of his theories of Progressive Capitalism. Governments owning means of production, and that control management, requires too much information. We must de-centralize – for care economy and to innovate. Progressive ideas can be ideologically complex. He spoke of the growth of misinformation. And the struggle between individual rights as opposed to collective rights.

Deficits? - Two thirds trade surplus economies: one third trade deficit economies. Sum of deficits, equals sum of surpluses. He advocates a Global Reserve Currency. Deficient global demand. There is deficient global demand. 

Are Enlightenment ideas settled? – Only absorbed by a minority of the population. The education system should explain the enlightenment of 250 years ago. It’s the reason we live better today.  

Does every society need an underclass? - More people locked up here  in Britain then any other developed country -  and 25% to 30% are from children’s homes. “Some degree inequality is inevitable – but we don’t need such extreme inequality. There is 20% poverty in America.. In equality is a choice.. Biden has reduced childhood poverty with programs he introduced.”


Friday, 30 August 2024

Caroline Lucas Another England at Edinburgh book festival 2024


The nation is a construct of stories” Phillip Larkin.


Fourteen years in the European parliament, and former English Green party leader

The UK is coming apart. Wales wants a new constitution, Scotland has over 50% support for independence and Ireland has moves to unify. England appears to be left squeamish about the English flag - as a symbol of imperialism and exceptionalism. There is also the rise of the right in England. Lucas said we need a different story, of a more progressive England. 


British Trust attempts to bury slavery, the story of imperialism was a good theme and initiatives to alter that story .The recent violent riots in Southport – the media were reluctant to name it. There were counter protests against racism and of another England.


There is a need to see England as separate from Britain. There is the myth of 4 equal nations likely to encourage the rise of far right. Anglo-centric British nationalism which constantly muddles England/ Britain. The English lack confidence in ‘who’ we are. The hate-filled language of the Tory party the past decades has had consequences. 


Lucas has a long-standing interest in literature.. She is interested in the narratives and false histories of England. The battle of Flodden was won by Catherine of Aragon – which was written out of history by Henry. The victors rewrite history. Robin Hood did steal from the rich - but never gave to the poor! The Spanish Armada was held back by bad weather. The Charters of the Forrest – which gave rights of landless people to forage, but who has heard of it? The Magna Carta was about the rights to restrain the power of the king. 


England is nature depleted: the right to roam in England, is only 8% land, and 3% rivers. The history of the enclosure movement. They discussed, should the values of today be imposed on the values of the past? Lucas felt that history is always evolving and the Colston statue in Bristol is now in a museum with a plaque stating his story. After all statues are often put up much later on, by those who want to use history for contemporary needs. 


There is a Chapter on inequality – on a wealth tax, constitution, reform voting system. Take finance out of politics? She is a big admirer of Anthony Burnett of Open Democracy, who is a constitutional expert. She’s concerned about the disengagement of young people from politics and a fairer voting system. At the recent General election, a third of people didn’t bother to vote. This is a serious issue. Labour won a big majority of two thirds of the seats, with only a third of the vote. 

(Comment: We were told by the powers that be back in 2011, that we get strong government with our First past the post voting system,(!!) when we had a vote on the issue – and weak, chaotic government with Proportional Representation, such as France, Germany and all other European countries have! Only Belarus uses FPTP voting. First past the post voting means that most votes don’t count and only marginal seats matter. It also means there is a lack of negotiation and collaboration in the UK government, compared to elsewhere.) 


There is a lot literature can tell us. Lucas asked us to put people and planet before profit!

 I was sad to hear Little is retiring from his role at the book festival as an interviewer. 

**Allan Little - “Edinburgh festival essentially became a peace project.” 

Sunday, 30 June 2024

Edinburgh Book Festival 2024


EIBF 2024

Since 2006 I have attended the EIBF. I would enjoy the fun, exuberance and festivities of the high street and after the walk down the mound and along George street to the relative calm and seclusion of the tree shaded book festival. A restorative juxtaposition.


Here I found a place of quiet reflection, big debate, colourful diversity, spontaneous conversations, intellectual challenge, famous faces, questioning politics. A place to anaylse or be informed. Intellectual freedoms and debates. There is also art, science, sport, history, economic and music and much more besides. It’s a place to refresh and for new ideas and interactions. .


EIBF was begun in 1983

EIBF is both national and international – with many well known Scottish authors – Ian Rankin, Val McDermid, Alexander McCall Smith, Liz Lochhead, Christopher Brookmyre. Richard Holloway -  and also big names international names such as Elif Shakaf, Joseph Stiglitz, Margaret Atwood, Noam Chomsky and many more.


Neil Gaiman

Rachel Long

Simon Callow

This year the world leading book festival anticipates its brand new venue at the historic building next to the meadows  - with an expanded new outdoor Courtyard, the return of the Speigel tent and the Children’s tent in the courtyard, with lots of events and free activities to spark ideas and creativity.

Plus major events at the McEwan hall and food events at Elliott’s studio, Sciennes rd. 


My Top memories - One evening the Speigel tent was packed to hear an impromptu set by the Nile Rodgers! I felt so lucky to be there. He told stories of starting in Sesame street – and in-between played his songs with those very well kent riffs!

Another time was being mistaken for the famous Irish poet Seamus Heaney;s wife, on entering the book festival café, when Heaney we just ahead of me! 


I attend EIBF each year and its an unmatched place for informed debate, intellectual collaboration and creative thinking. Why are green activists targeting a place of free and open ideas for our future? When there are so many fake, ignorant click baits on so much of online media?

Ocean Vuong

This years theme is 'Future Tense' with a new venue at the Futures Institute – where Edinburgh’s famous Royal Infirmary once stood. And a new Scots festival director, Jenny Niven


Niven describes the Edinburgh festival as, “One of high octane and venerable, raucous and transformative, thoughtful and spontaneous….Is what brings the city to life, creating a playground for anyone who curiosity get the better of them. For ideas to take centre stage.”

“In a moment of such divisions and opposition – democracy thrives on good information, sanguine exchange  - the art of really listening and your voice deserves to be heard.”



**There will be several book festival themes - 


Future Tense - A toast to the future/ brilliant fiction/ future library/ generations/ data/ future politics/ imaginative realm.

How to live a meaningful life


Justified sinner


Thursday, 31 August 2023

Edinburgh Festivals 2023!


Warm and muggy today. There’s a long queue at the Jazz Bar, for a Joni Mitchell tribute. I’m at Biblos restaurant at the corner of Chambers st – another year, I’m not sure I am any wiser though. Biblos has its own music playlist and is off the main beaten tourist track. 


Climate emergency. A letter suggests it should be the scientists who need to be in charge and not hedge fund managemers. Can we keep our planet safe, for our children and grandchildren? Can we have hope? We are running out of time now…. The most urgent issue of our times. And some, even with all the wild fires and floods, still don’t take it seriously. 


Where Do We Go From here?


It’s good to be back on the high street to savour the excited buzz, the expectant crowds…. There are the handsome young men in kilts, bemused Koreans, retired Edinburgh residents, excited tourists and young families, lively students and the outlandish performers. 


First day I enjoyed a walk around the Scottish Portrait galleries - in the central atrium Robert Burns statue enjoys pride of place. There’s also a bust of Elsie Inglis. Here there are contemporary portraits, as well as the historical portraits on the top floor (Jacobites, Stuarts, Hanoverians) all tell of the varied and rich histories of Scotland. Later I recharged my phone at the central Library & enjoyed the High st.

Edinburgh festivals suffered during Covid and ticket sales have inevitably fallen. But this year things are more back to normal. 

Public funding for the festivals is 11m.

For the cycling world championships, 36m. 


There are small gems to be found – classical music concerts at St Andrews church George st or at the Scottish Portrait galleries. Alongside the renowned cultural events sits the gaudy, tacky side – overdone, raucously wild. And the unexpected comedy. 

At Edinburgh International book festival, #edbookfest23

now at the Edinburgh Art College location for its third year there. Since the lockdown years things are now more back to normal. I went to talks with the poet Don Paterson, autobiography Toy Fights; novelist Denise Mina, book Three Fires on Florence culture wars and the bonfire of the vanities;  


And a lively political talk on Scotland’s future - Moving Forward:  with Kezia Dugdale  Lesley Riddoch and Ruth Wishart. If we agree on the destination, how can we then agree on the road to reach it?  We must find a middle ground – otherwise we in Scotland are stuck. Riddoch’s new book Thrive – asks what is the road, now its ONLY about the road (currency, borders etc) and not the destination or our common bonds; while Wishart provided excellent sound bites and humour on these critical issues. 

EIBF is a good place to recharge batteries, consider reflections. 


“I can’t think of anywhere in the world that is more full of belief and joy than Edinburgh at this time.”  Andrew O’Hagan


Jokha Alharthi1

Kamila Shamsie

Alexander Moffat & Alan Riach 

Main Venues – Pleasance, Assembly Rooms, Gilded Balloon, Traverse, 


The fringe festival programme held more than 3,000 shows, in 288 venues hosting a diverse selection of work from Scotland, the UK and worldwide. Artists, arts industry representatives, media and audiences from 170 countries and with 2,445,609 tickets issued. The themes and issues tackled by artists in the 2023 programme included mental health and wellbeing, disability, queer lives, working-class representation and the climate crisis. Affordability was a big issue, with sky-high hotel prices, 




Culture Wars Florence in Three Fires, Denise Mina Edinburgh book festival 2023

Denise Mina held a lively chat with fellow crime writer Christopher Brookmyre

In her new book Three Fires, award-winning author Mina re-imagines the 'Bonfire of the Vanities', a series of fires lit throughout Florence.


Set in 15th century Florence, Three Fires tells of the story of Florentine fanatical monk Girolamo Savonarola and the first populist uprising. – 'whip people up about a common enemy'. 

-        create bogeymen, alternative society, indefinable and attack details, give people Banner, your tribe is winning. 


There is the French King Charles the Affable, and theological discussions – the Proud Boys bullies; the Tepids – the centrists who hold the power. Still plagues and wars.


The Printing Press had just been invented and BOOKS. 

Savonarola asked, why does no one listen to the poor, our government is corrupt. Florence changed at that moment. And the struggle between low and high art. 


As long as we’re divided, we’re containable – no commonality. People have lives to get on with, to keep society going. We need to listen to people. 

If in power too long, there is a physical change to brain chemistry and become more callous. Time limits on power. 

Dundee Poet Don Paterson Edinburgh book festival 2023


Paterson is an award-winning poet

Music is his first passion – he went from musician to poet in the 90s. Paterson used music to access his memories. memories of memories

His new autobiography Toy Fights is from 1963 – 1983, which received top reviews. 


The Tay Bridge was built, shopping centre and industries shutting down – the rage against poverty.

His father was a musician and ran the Dundee folk club. His grandfather was a minister in the United Free church.

DC Thompson high school – invisible cities, on top of each other. 


He had a breakdown and was in hospital – ‘destruction of yourself in your core, thousands of fragments/ loss of self.'

Obsessive, addictive personalities. First inspired poetry by Tony Harrison on BBC.


Scotland’s cultural identity – there’s been an increase in confidence and more international. Plus the Kailyard school. 



We don’t have full devolution and we don’t know who we are.’


“Poetry is more of a diagnostic way of thinking about language.”



Moving Forward Dugdale & Riddoch, Edinburgh book festival 2023

If we agree on the destination, how can we then agree on the road to reach it? 

“We must find a middle ground – otherwise we in Scotland are stuck.”

Three high profile women - Kezia Dugdale, former Scottish labour leader, now lecturer at the John Smith Trust; Lesley Riddoch, campaigner, podcaster, new book Thrive – asked what is the road, now its ONLY about the road (currency, borders etc) and not the destination or our common bonds; while Wishart provided excellent sound bites and humour on these critical issues  


How do we find the middle ground and build bridges. 

This talk was a lively discussion – they looked at how we’re governed, and how we must be honest about risks. Scots are risk adverse. They agree on the destination of social policies to improve lives BUT see different routes to get there. The UK is micro-managed by a right wing government, that is cruel, elitists and can’t or won’t modernise. 


Kezia as former leader of the Scottish branch of the Labour party, provided the counter arguments of why left leaning voters have much in common with our counterparts in England. She agreed on the destination – on the social polices of how we might work to eradicate poverty and inequality and was an advocate for improved housing – she disagreed with Lesley on how we might reach these goals. (she is no longer a Labour party member)


Dugdale has softened her position on independence since Better Together 2014, and said shed prefer indy over an extreme right wing government Boris led UK government (but who wont concede a referendum). She felt there were big questions on social policy to resolve – not the yes/no constitutional lens. Trust is low, many see politics as corrupt. Is politics broken here in the UK?

Riddoch showed her metal and years of experience as a journalist, traveller, author, broadcaster and political commentator. She said that commentators took their eye off the ball. She spoke of Scotland’s overly large council areas, the largest in Europe – average Scotland 175K/ average Europe 10K. The 32 councils in Scotland are really large regions. In Norway there are 400 councils. 


She claimed we’ve lost our self confidence in Scotland to govern and run places ourselves. Community councils only receive £400, are Development Trusts an answer? We must get power out of Edinburgh into the rest of country – to the local village. She spoke of Shetland’s large wind farms, which are of no benefit to Shetland and they rely on diesel generation. Scotland has the best wind and waves in Europe. 30 yeas ago Norway was developing renewables.


While Kezia spoke of employment legislation, immigration powers, wealth redistribution and the importance of new housing. Federalism UK - is this possible? She spoke of the benefits of the EU, but hoped Keir Starmer wins the next election. Dugdale said she was proud of the Scottish government. On the question of Yes/ No, she said she would decide at the time! 


Riddoch said Feudalism in Scotland was only abolished by the Scottish Parliament in 1998! That we Scots are wacked back of the head, by large landowners. The country has never been ours and is treated as a playground for the rich. After Brexit, half of the highlands are shut. The Indy vote 2014 in Scotland inclusive of all who’ve lived here for 3 months. Wheras the Brexit vote was exclusive, had to be British. 

 Scotland does not compare well to other small nations. She spoke of Denmark, as the highest taxed but happiest country – with best kindergarten, security system and OPEC wind turbines of 50 years! Sweden, best elderly care and highest trust. Most sustainable country in the world. Estonia (1991) moved away from Russia and invested in education (as did Ireland) 

Lesley Riddoch

Federalism was discussed and Wishart asked, could such an Asymmetrical federalism work? And where does it work?
 In Wales Labour are more outspoken on small nationalism, Welsh language and culture. Proper devolution for England, where the large cities (London etc.) don’t vote Tory. Devolution for all parts of England. 

Riddoch was hopeful that things can change and progress here in Scotland. If the SNP can be bold enough. England needs to face its own problems. Do we have capacity – with the risk adverse Scots? Perhaps Scots simply want our lands and voice back. The questions remain – how do we come unstuck from Westminster – they claim Scotland is a negative to Britain’s economy yet want to hold on to Scotland. This all doesn’t add up.

Ruth Wishart

Social democracy is the settled will in Scotland. Wishart asked – what is the settled will in England? The UK is the single unitary state in Europe of 65 million, and where London runs everything. Its those in the middle who really hold the power. Vote for confidence OR a straitjacket. We need levers and capacity. 

Major issues - 

Electoral Reform – the ERG group 

FPTP voting system

Unelected House of Lords, second chamber

Well being economy