Monday, 30 September 2024

Remembering IndyRef 2014


Its now ten years since indyref 2014 – and that glorious summer – that wonderful exhilaration of hope of building a better Scotland! One where our voices mattered, and where we could build a new constitution, real accountable and local democracy, and harness our potential. 


Today we might be celebrating….. Instead in the press its all ‘doom and gloom’ of broken Britain, of all the industrial closures here and business losses, the cost of living crisis and the scandals, that no lengthy enquiry will ever fix, except to pay lawyers vast amounts. Brexit means a 27% drop in exports and 32% drop in imports, more than a quarter of all trade. So many empty promises, never fulfilled. We were lied to. The vow, EU membership, Devo Max.


For me the indyref was all about Scotland having real local government as I’ve seen working abroad In both Europe and America. About freedom. About having a voice. Independence, where we could use all our great resources to protect the vulnerable, invest in children and offer opportunities. Instead we’re stuck. Independence – where the Scottish state or nation had its own media, immigration, energy policy, control of VAT: all the crucial levers to be a successful state or trading nation Independence and inter-dependence in Europe.


Instead Scotland is stuck and bitterly divided, with little hope, except for austerity mark 2 under Starmer’s Labour. It looks like Westminster is deliberately running Scotland down, with de-industrialization and closure of Grangemouth, while funding Stanlow refinery, north west England with 600 million for carbon capture and hydrogen. As well as millions for a petrochemical plant over in Antwerp.


All to keep Scotland dependent instead, as the last colony. Unionist believers may well ask, why would Westminster wish to do this, the most obvious answer is lack of interest, but also to use Scotland resources as it has done the past 100 years to prop up London. I don’t believe the Barnett formula, GERS figures or the BBC, which glosses over serious issues and finishes with some cute story to boost us up. The BBC is not serious, investigative journalism.


Many feel we needed analysis of 2014: for me by far the biggest issue was the independence side having no broadcasting, especially for older people not online. The UKs mainstream media puts out constant negativity slogans: SNP bad, SNP bad, Scotland bad/ failings, Nicola bad.  So that Scots have little faith or belief in themselves compared to Norwegians, Danish, Finnish or Irish. A constant stream of negativity. How do we reach Mail and BBC readers?


Lets not fool ourselves or believe the false rhetoric of the London press. Since Thatcher all the focus has been in protecting London\s banks and property, while the rest of the country works to protect this globalized future. And their failed economic model. And suffers for it. So that doesn’t fill me with much hope. I think of all the great writers, artists, scholars and poets, who’ve gone before – and wrote of Scotland the Brave, or Scots wa Hae, or the Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle….It all feels a pipe dream. (The Proclaimers, Letter from America, Dougie Maclean’s Caledonia, Hamish Henderson’s Freedom Come All Ye.)


Is it already too late? In the media I read of Ireland’s writers and successes on the world stage, but what of the great Scots writers and poets of today, who are hardly ever mentioned. We’re already too late for any Green Revolution – Denmark started decades ago. 

First we need the EU’s protection to thrive. Poll figures confirm that imagined future appeals to the broadest range of Scots. Look at Irelands success model to follow. In the EU nations are both sovereign and inter dependent. Scotland can have both. I’d like to see more mature, consensual debate in the Scottish parliament moving forward. I’d like to see Scotland as a integral part of a more modern Britain, where each nation and region has its own sovereign state legislature and governance, but with far, far more local say. Maybe we need to redefine what is meant by independence and inter-dependence. We don’t have to have central control!


I like to hope Scotland has a bright future for our young people. How do we move forward? We must focus more on the future, on education and younger voices. It took twenty years for the Scottish parliament (1979 to 1999). Many Scots simply need time to consider. Another big flaw 2014 was the questions over pensions.


This question has never been about identity – because all who live in Scotland are able to vote here. So over this past decade, what improvements have there been exactly under the UK union? Because I can’t think of any!   


Irvine Welsh Resolutions, Edinburgh book festival 2024


Welsh has had a great deal of success since his first novel Trainspotting 1993 was made into a film. He spoke about his new book Resolutions, and said that he tapped into the energy of his characters.

Welsh was asked about his views on Scotland’s independence. He replied, In the 80s he didn’t believe in independence and his thought was that -  “Scotland was shite. In the 90s it was that England was shite – but now that English imperialism is shite!


Welsh discussed with Denise Mina, the third instalment of his bestselling CRIME series: detective Ray Lennox makes a connection between an eminent local and a group of missing foster care boys as he embarks upon a new life in Brighton. 'The truth is what we say the truth is . . .'

Lennox is determined to start a new life. He has left Edinburgh Police behind for a fresh career and a fresh relationship in Brighton. Then he meets Mathew Cardingworth. Rich, smooth-talking and immaculately dressed - yet he soon draws Lennox back to a past that he's desperate to forget. As Lennox identifies the links between Cardingworth, a series of violent attacks and the disappearances of a group of foster care boys, he is forced to ask himself: what must he sacrifice to expose the truth?

Welsh was asked about his views on Scotland’s independence. He replied, In the 80s he didn’t believe in independence and his thought that -  “Scotland was shite. In the 90s it was that England was shite – but now that English imperialism is shite!”

Recently Welsh interview with the National he said "Scotland voting no at the Indyref 2014 has been a disaster."

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

Marina Warner Forms of Enchantment Edinburgh book festival 2024


Paula Rego war 2003

New Ways of Beauty -   “We fight back with beauty”


Warner spoke of her experiences in Paris in the 60s, which offered new realms of experience. Stories and symbols. Intimacy of ideas, of subject matter and ideas. The conformity to an ideal


Paula Rego

*Warner discussed several crucial images - 


(1)  Paula Rego, War 2003, giving fear a Face

She was influenced by Goya. Hallucinary effects, with pastels.  


(2) Louise Bourgeois, Bodies of sense- femme- Conteau 


'Positive sew – negative cut': is the knife here about the mind, sometimes hurting us. 

(3)  Joan Jonas, Resonation, 2012 . Digital technologies



(4)  Hieronymus Bosch  - The Garden of Earthly delights (1490 – 1505)

 Prado Madrid - Icon clashes 

Message that can’t be tolerated and tell stories of the past empire building/ or vandalism. Meanings of building have changed in Paris – Olympic games preserving past and honour past. Statue repurposed.


The image is not an inert thing, may not be positive. No fixed meanings.

Dreamworks. A sense of energy, festive. Enquiry.

Relegating art to the elites – that art is not useful, is deplorable.



**Funding of the arts? - Language, art and buildings are how countries are defined. Neo Liberal policies are only market value thinking. Lord of the rings filming in New Zealand , depending on the film money. 

In Ireland – gerents, and in France, arts to be protected. Cuts to the arts in schools. In drama – read every word and are therefore more connected. 


The Art of looking – is a communal experience. Looking at art in books - graphics, illustrations - rewards attentiveness, mediation and slowness settles you.

In Scotland – Burns , Stevenson, Scott – create the bond that unites. 


BOOK –  Forms of Enchantment


Wednesday, 18 September 2024

Joseph Stiglitz Road to freedom, Edinburgh book festival 2024



Stiglitz is a Nobel Laureate,  worked for the world bank and a chief economist under Clinton -  His new book, Road to Freedom, looks at the role of the state and the idea of freedom, and his theories of Progressive Capitalism. That there are no free market he said, we have the rule of law, property – there are always trade offs. He recommends that the enlightenment of 250 years ago should be taught in schools. It’s the reason we live better today.  

He is critical of both Milton Friedman and of Friedrich Hayek and his book Road to Serfdom (1944), being taught at Stanford, and who influenced both Reagan and Thatcher in the 80s.  “Keynesian economic markets have failed, with one out-of-four unemployed. Government spending could improve economy. . retirement security made a difference and the NHS. In America the private sector has failed, with 20% GDP on worse healthcare outcomes.” Friedman argues that government’s greater role and social benefit will lead to authoritarianism."  He talked of Authoritarian capitalism, when counties have too little. By contrast in the Nordic countries, there is the strongest support for democracy.  

He spoke of American ideology and mythology around freedoms and the American revolution. Slaves are not free. And who is going to rule? What do we mean by freedom? What do we mean by freedom to do?. Recapture the nation. Freedom for potential and to achieve. 

Should everyone have the right to own an aK47 – means others loose their freedom to live. There is also the freedom from fear. Every school now teaches what to do if a gunman enters the school. Which freedoms are more important? Freedom to live is more important.”


He spoke of examples – such as traffic lights, that take away your freedom and are restraints. “In a city if there are no stop lights there is chaos. Therefore traffic lights give people more freedom to do. The recent Pandemic – there were good vaccines paid for by government, a quick response. People have to pay taxes, taxes are a restraint. Some restraints will increase freedoms.”

His book looks at the issues around capitalism and freedoms. He argues that the Keynesian theories that free markets are efficient and lead to democratic markets, is disingenuous. He spoke of Pinochet in Chile – who was advised to force radical ideas on banking – but it will take twenty years to get out of the mess!   “These theories are about creating inequality, to exploit. Free to choose. Free to Exploit. No competition laws. These ideas were wrong – economically wrong. Freidman was very successful selling an idea of unrestrained markets. 

Neo Liberalism)- for successful economies and Thatcher/ Reagan followed. That market forces would lower costs. That profits will increase by scamming people and maximising profit and this is not a well being society.” Bankers get rich.

He spoke of the influence of Adam Smith (the great enlightenment theorist here in Edinburgh) and the invisible hand, will lead to successful societies. The force for innovation. And why you need regulation to direct that force. That the markets are not operating adequately. 

Stiglitz spoke of the impacts of the Scottish enlightenment thought. “How do we reason about society. We need checks and balances – and no government is perfect.  We need Collective administrations and restraints. And then we can expand everyone’s freedoms. Books 1 to 3 – unregulated: Books 4 to 5 – Role of the state.”

Clinton and Blair, followed this free market thinking. “Clinton felt their pain”. But the de-regulation of the Banking system led to the Banking crisis of 2008. The banks made a lot of money. 

Why haven’t Progressive ideas won?” “Neoliberal ideas are very profitable for a few people. Climate crisis, poverty crisis. Unrestrained markets are problematic. Failings are now so great, that Progressives might have a moment. But disaffected areas are moving to support Trump – but Trickle–down economics has failed; socialism has failed, communism has failed.”


Are you hopeful?  - His book is based on the hope that this battle can be won. He spoke of his theories of Progressive Capitalism. Governments owning means of production, and that control management, requires too much information. We must de-centralize – for care economy and to innovate. Progressive ideas can be ideologically complex. He spoke of the growth of misinformation. And the struggle between individual rights as opposed to collective rights.

Deficits? - Two thirds trade surplus economies: one third trade deficit economies. Sum of deficits, equals sum of surpluses. He advocates a Global Reserve Currency. Deficient global demand. There is deficient global demand. 

Are Enlightenment ideas settled? – Only absorbed by a minority of the population. The education system should explain the enlightenment of 250 years ago. It’s the reason we live better today.  

Does every society need an underclass? - More people locked up here  in Britain then any other developed country -  and 25% to 30% are from children’s homes. “Some degree inequality is inevitable – but we don’t need such extreme inequality. There is 20% poverty in America.. In equality is a choice.. Biden has reduced childhood poverty with programs he introduced.”