Friday, 24 January 2025

Change Forward Scotland Needs for 2025


Education is the key and foundation. Without a solid, well educated workforce how can any country move forward? Many new independent countries recognised this – specifically Ireland and Estonia. Apart from funding, there are several ways to achieve solid education for all

1. All teachers should have a masters degree.

2. Teach to the higher average, not the lower average, to raise standards. Yes slower learners and late starters need to be encouraged and a good start at kindergarten or pre-schools is the key to giving ALL children the right start in education - with a focus on personal development and structural play. 

With many 4 year olds now held back to start P1 until they are ta least five and a half - this can make the more formal learning of reading books mean children are more emotionally and developmentally ready to learn having developed concentration skills, an interest in books, number and size skills, oral language etc. 


3. Eliminate private schools. Private schools mean a secure network and privileged bubble. They mean a two tier society. Those educated privately have only limited understanding of the rest of society that they have often never met or worked with. They believe they are a “cut above” the rest. 


4. A good start. Without a good start to education, the rest of the 10 years of school can be wasted.

The focus must be on quality early years. 


 ‘The Age of disruption needs a different kind of Scotland’ Gerry Hassan writes we needs radical ideas to move Scotland forward with independence, Sunday National 29th December 2024. He writes of the unequal opportunities and expectations. While I agree we need new ideas – why vote for independence if it will only be more of the same failing economic models. He doesn’t offer concrete details of priorities, but mostly theoretical views. 


Its important to set priorities to move forward. But a sound economy needs to underpin this – otherwise where is the money to fund public service? While Scotland is rich in resources, we also need to harness our potential for innovation, business education, opportunities for all, immigration (we need young workers), and prioritise education for all. Finland decided to abolish private education, as they felt this system was holding the country back.