I have a vision of two different
futures for Scotland.
One of a Free
country. Where we can make our own decisions (!) and offer all a chance in
life. Scotland stands for freedom of spirit, creativity, innovations, outward
looking and the first place to offer education for all.
Of the old
Celtic ballads that sung of all the peoples Of Burns and Ossian, Allan Ramsay –
our heritage runs deep. And Of the great philosophers and thinkers ….
The trouble
is there is another Scotland – one of greedy patronage, huge estates, castles –
more land here is owned by the TRE (tiny rich elite) than in any other place.
Private schools, elitism, snobbery. One that likes to read of Roman Empire or
British Empire building and imperialism. That believes in trickle down
economics and that some are simply born to manage….. (how about teaching ALL students about business and management skills1?)
We can
choose though and look at Nordic models.
This doesn’t
mean just tinkering at the edges. It means offering business and management
courses to all who study. It means mixed ability groups and with mentoring by
the more able.
It means changing the culture from a ‘Them and Us Culture’ to ‘WE are Stronger Working for the Benefit of all. And look at the small nimble countries that are doing we well.
Our country
can change and be a beacon of co-operation, integration, equal opportunity - a
voice of reconciliation, fairness and a hope for a better future.