Friday, 9 September 2016

EDINBURGH festival 2016

As the tents start to some down in George street and the fireworks light up the skies over the castle to the strains of West Side Story and Romeo and Juliet… and another EF, the worlds biggest arts festival, inevitably draws to a close. There may be sadness, but while we know the show must go on, we also accept – perhaps not at this hectic level!

At CLUB CUMIING at The Hub, actor and musical star Alan Cumming – showed us clearly  why he became a number one star on Broadway. At Mozart’s romantic comedy opera Cosi Fan Tutte direct from festival d’ the festival theatre, there was also much to celebrate. At the Book festival, many famous authors and poets visited to give illuminating talks on their books.

Each EF I always visit some specific haunts – it replenishes my creativity and artistic heart – I hope anyway. To recharge, maybe open new windows, even renewals, to connect too.
*MUSIC at EF 2016
The Official festival has broadened it’s appeal under new Irish director Fergus Linehan with an expanded and diverse music program -
Emma Pollock with RM Hubbert, Bdy-Prts, Cairn Strap quartet,
Sigar Ros, Mogwai, Young Fathers
GRIT - 5 star reviews.  “masterpiece of arrangement” with “Fiona Hunters earthiness contrasting to ethereal voices of the Glasgow Chapel choir.”  I was lucky enough to hear this wonderful concert at the opening of Celtic Connections 2015.

Emma Pollock
Rodddie Woomble and Friends

On the Saturday Unbound evening - Roddie Woomble and friends – which included Andrew Mitchell dynamic on bass, Siobhan Wilson’s beautiful voice and on cello, and also kayboards
I wish I had recorded this event, what an enjoyable, top class band! Well done to all. 

EF is a celebration of where the different cultures meet – the more bazaar the better! Soul sustenance’

Follow them all, know them all, be able to hear, be able to know….
Explore those highways new or forgotten. The footsteps of Edinburgh festival – the sounds of George street, firework bangs, crowd cheers and claps, the laughter and song.

**is there A NEW Scottish Writers Museum
The saunter through the energy of the Fringe performers on the High Street – and I walk along George St and up the Mound and on down the high street. I eat at  Bilbos on the corner of Chambers St.

I stopped in at the very small Scottish writers museum up a small winding stair in a hidden close at the top of the High street. There are exhibits to Robert Burns, Robert Louis Stevenson, and Walter Scott. Apart from a few Burns paintings and a display of his Kilmarnock first Edition of his Poems - there is not a lot here.

I asked the lady there about a possible new museum. I said I have visited the Irish Writers museum which is housed in an impressive Georgian mansion and is 50 times bigger
There was talk of putting a decent size Scottish Writers museum beside the National library.

There are no modern authors or women writers or any of Scotland’s great philosophers of the enlightenment; Where is Robert Fergusson who wrote of Edinburgh and inspired Burns to write in Scots? Where is Arthur Conan Doyle, Hugh MacDiarmid, James MacPherson or JM Barrie?

At an Irish concert at Celtic Connections I mentioned to an Irish lady beside me about the interesting Irish Writers Museum – she said perhaps there weren’t enough good Scottish writers!  I hope one day she might be proved wrong and we might have as Scottish Writers Museum that truly reflects not only this great city of Literature but also the MANY great Scottish writers and artists.