Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reviews. Show all posts

Thursday, 21 July 2011

*Paul Simon Clyde Auditorium Glasgow 24th June 2011

Slip Sliding Away .....
Simon gave us an unforgettable evening filled with his heavenly tunes and powerful lyrics. He performed songs from his new album 'So Beautiful So What' as well as songs from his extensive back catalogue.  

There was no support and Simon played for around a full 2 hours.  I was glad that I had arrived on time as the announcer said that Simon would be on in five minutes! 

Simon's set included the songs: The Boy in the Bubble, Dialling home, Sliding Away, So Beautiful So What, Hearts and Bone, Mystery Train, Blind, Only Living Boy in New York, Diamonds on the Souls of her Feet, Questions for the Angels, Sounds of Silence, Born at Last, Here Comes the Sun (George Harrison cover), Crazy Love.  And for his encore 'Still Crazy After All These Years.' 

The two standout moments for me were firstly the opening number ' The Boy in the Bubble' with his full band on top form, and secondly simply Simon and his guitar in the spotlight as he sang 'Sound of Silence'.  Perfect really. While Simon is now seventy his voice sounded wonderful and his band expressed high musicianship as they backed his songs.  On a few songs he was minus guitar when he enjoyed to play and beat time with his arms and hands!  Unusually the set veered from upbeat songs to quieter songs and then upbeat songs again. 

His music displays African gospel, Cajun and Folk influences. His lyrics feel many things - ambiguous and sometimes unsettling; life-affirming, cautious yet hopeful; light and joyful; as well as poignant and introspective.  Simon's lyrics address the deeper concerns of life while there is always a joyousness around them. 

It is not so often we can see an 'icon' perform in the flesh and you could feel the love from the audience. At the finale Simon shook hands with those at the front.
My 'Paul Simon Songbook' was always one of my favourites to play and sing. Many of us remember the song 'Sound of Silence' playing over the opening credits for the film the 'Graduate' film with Dustin Hoffman. After seeing Simon live I now admit to preferring his songs sung by him alone rather than the slightly overdone vocal duets of the 60s by Simon and Garfunkle.

A lovely concert that brought smiles to faces. What a wonderful job to bring joy to peoples hearts....


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

'The Burns Unit' Celtic Connections Old Fruitmarket 2011

'The Burns Unit' first debuted at Celtic 2009. I took photos at this gig - and was immediately struck by the diverse colourful nature of the young talents of this Scottish and Canadian eight-piece line-up. From well renowned folk singer songwriter Karine Polwart to Emma Pollock of Delgados fame; to Fife's King Creosote and guitarist AKA pilot to pianist Kim Edgar; to exuberant Canadian Michael Johnston and rapper MC Soom T; and to producer and drummer Mattie Foulds.  I had previously seen Karine perform her emotional acoustic folk songs at several gigs - and to see her pounding those drums ( I assume to initiate her into the rockier rhythms of the band) appeared a big change in direction! 

At first glance it appears a disparate while accomplished group with little in common except their love of music and Celtic roots. However they have brought together a unique blending of influences to produce challenging and interesting songs, and they appear to enjoy their musical collaborationsDuring their set the mood altered from mainly folk/rock to the dancing Caribbean-tinged rhythms of singer MC Soom T very catchy numbers. 
The Old Fruitmarket is full of old-world charms and the perfect venue for this kind of line-up and they appeared more relaxed together. The stand out performances were from singer songwriters Emma Pollock and King Creosote - along with strong vocal harmoniesKarine performed some of her touching and sincere acoustic guitar songs.

Thursday, 31 December 2009

Hobopop Collective - Live album No 5

Hobopop Collective - Live album No 5
'banjo-dominated americana from its tom waits-like washboard blowouts'
I was thrilled to travel down to Manchester to shoot for the bands live album. Mat met me at the Manchester station so I missed the BMP March.

Kirsty and Mat have a flowing and engrossing vibe to their upbeat tunes. Kirsty has moving soul-filled vocals and Mat provides the energy with his stringed instruments. Her songs feel light and easy, but are full of mystery and clever meanings. They do a mix of laid back jazz-infused bluegrass acoustic tunes. Kirsty sings her travelling songs that draw close affinities with nature – ‘Your Under My Skin’ (songs about dust!) ‘Killer Wasps’, the fun ‘Sandman’, the bluesy tones of ‘Easy’. She draws inspiration from her travels hobo style. She and Mat have been performing together the past 4 years and are based in Manchester.

McGee's evolving band is named the Hobopop Collective. With a diversity of musicianship the Collective consists of on drums Rob Turner ( jazz band Magic Hat Ensemble), on double bass Nick Blacka (Magic Hat Ensemble), and for this live recording on guitar James Steel (from the rock band Brute chorus) Chris Cundy on clarinet ( Fyfe Dangerfield's band the Guillemots and the Gannets) For her recent album - 'Live Album No 5' - McGee decided to have it recorded in one live take in a Manchester theatre to have that special live audience vibe.

Wednesday, 30 December 2009

Celtic Connections Review 2009

This 3 week festival in the heart of Glasgow is one of the music and folk calendars biggest events and plays on a world stage, with visitors from around the world. I had a wonderful time taking shots at the Celtic Connections this year and I enjoyed the festival more than last year.  There was a great line-up and variety/breadth of artists and it was good to hear new things being ventured by the younger artists such as with the 'Burns Unit' with Karine Polwart - sometimes things intersect? Well done to all involved.  The festival raises the profile of Scottish musicians and artists worldwide with a gathering of some of the best Scottish musical talent. It also encourages new artists and collaborations as well as bringing over many well-respected artists from around the world.

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Karine Polwart! Tall Ship Gig June 2008

Tall Ship Gig Karine Inge Kirsty and Mat magic evening -  Karine Polwart! I had a chat with Karine. She writes brilliant songs –and has a wonderful voice. One of the best. She keeps it simple. Also Kirsty & Mat Martin wonderful fun young duo who do acoustic blues-jazz tunes. After the gig the sky was the most perfect deep blue, the street lights like fairy lights, the moon a tiny sliver. It was light a dream or like a Picture book cover.

*Karine is an astute, caring and thoughtful writer of memorable tunes. Her songs, with their direct yet careful simplicity hit home with her clear unaffected soothing tones. Karine has an engaging voice. She sang songs from her wonderful new album – ‘This Earthly Spell’ – Firethief ‘down where I cannot go’ , ‘Rivers Run’ and the touching ‘Sorry.’ Karine sang a song ‘ Bonecrusher’ that she said she had written for her favourite Tv series Deadwood. She also sang 2 of my favourites ‘ Daisy (‘There are people in this world who don’t think like you do.’) and the moving Hole in my Heart. Karine finished her set with a haunting lullaby songs ‘Beow’ which means ‘Alive’.  Her music has joyful moving directness and sincerity. As Karine’s sings - ‘hearts can sing.’ Thank you guys for such a memorable evening.

Celtic Connections Glasgow 2008

I had an amazing few weeks at the 'Celtic Connections' traditional music festival here in Glasgow. It's massive - with workshops, concerts, clubs, a multitude of venues...more, for 3 weeks. Met many other photographers, felt overwhelmed, and had much fun. Some amazing singers, poets, artists, musicians from all over the world. Been busy editing my Celtic photos.

One of the world's biggest traditional folk festivals, Celtic Connections is in it's 13th year, and attracts musicians and visitors worldwide. It is jammed full of outstanding musicians and singers. The opening concert at the Royal Concert Hall is a showcase for the artists. It is good to see the many young artists excited to be playing here. The festival embraces many musical styles - bluegrass, country, classical, Blues, jazz, Celtic, world and more. Artists range from Scottish traditional singer Dick Gaughan (a Scottish legend) to 90s band Teenage Fanclub.  I enjoyed some younger artists also.

In particular Kirsty McGee Hobopop Collective who were supporting Capercaille – a new band with Mat Martin and the bluesy rhythms of Nick Blacka on double bass and tight with Rob Turner on drums. They do a mix of laid back jazz-infused acoustic tunes. I had no idea this was their debut gig, but I felt an energy and excitement and got some top photos. They had Karine Polwart, Inge and Annie all singing backing vocals on their last few songs, impressive! (Photos never lie!) They are a live project around Kirsty's Songs, check them out. The festival also focuses on traditional folk and new Scottish talent, with Showcase Scotland which is held over five days.

Favourite artists for me were (this isn't easy after hearing so many!) - the fun Scottish ceilidh band Session A9 who got the dance floor hopping;  Joan Osbourne from the US rich vocals; Karen Mathieson's haunting Gaelic voice; the top band at the TransAtlantic Sessions; the excitement of the Common Ground concert; Kristy McGee and Mat Martin Hobopo Collective (impressed with this new band's debut gig re my photos).
Sold out events included – Steve Earle, KD Lang, Teenage Fanclub, Peatbog Faueries, Capercaille, Dick Gaughan's 60th.

I had a wonderful time at the Celtic Connections festival and I saw many quality artists. Some artists do one or two reasonable songs and then struggle to produce anything nearly as good for years and years. What matters here is having momentum rather than consistency. A few singers have voices that make you sit up and notice, that grab you deep inside.'  Over 19 days, more than 300 events, 14 venues, over 1,000 artists.
Celtic Connections Opening Concert "Common Ground", Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, Main Auditorium 2008 and with festival artistic director Donald Shaw on piano. The 17 piece band took over the main stage to open the 15th annual celebration of folk, roots and traditional music - and a showcase for young Scots and Irish folk musicians.
Singers performed songs with American Chris Thile on mandolin who performed with plenty of character. Scots singers were,  Karine Polwart, Kris Drever from the Orkneys, Mike Scott (The Waterboys), Julie Fowlis, James Mackintosh and Ewen Vernal. Karine Polwart, with her clear beautiful voice sang a traditional air.

Also Irish performers - Heidi Tolboot, Sharon Shannon, Luka Bloom, Damien Dempsey, Karan Casey, Michael McGoldrick and Jim Murray. Karan Casey sang unaccompanied and beautiful harmonies with Julie Foulis. She sang 'Washed up on a Distant Shore'. By contrast Damien Dempsey was a big guy with a booming voice over the packed audience. Irish singers have a grounding introducing their songs with quick wit down at their local pubs!

Kate Rusby sang John Barberry and High on the hill - she has a still presence and a clear stirring voice. For their encore the band, led by violinist John McCusker, performed 'Will Ye No Come Back Again' to an Irish Air.
There were perhaps too many reels for an audience bound to sit in their seats! There was plenty of vivid colours to entertain, from the deep reds to the moving blues. It was fun to see so many artists perform on the one stage in this casual, well rehearsed jam session, and it was clear how much of music, or any art, is about the 'personality'.