Monday, 12 May 2014

Highland Cathedral

Pipers at Edinburgh Castle
For a new anthem for Scotland my votes on the tune Highland Cathedral with new words - 'The Highlands Call on eagles wings...' This tune is stirring and uplifting ....and nothing much beats the pipes, but adding the strings of the orchestra makes it easier to sing to.

I went in search of a good version on YouTube. Loved this version with the orchestra adding that extra depth -  oh wish they might play this at the Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 ( and not Flower of Scotland!)  Check it here -

I agree with many that Flower of Scotland now sounds out-dated and even slightly bitter. We need a forward looking more positive and inspired song. This is not about sending the English homeward - its about an inclusive and confident way forward for all who wish to live in Scotland. When I lived abroad I did used to think of the pipes and the Highlands and those damp misty mornings. 

Where the highlands call home on eagles’ wings,
And where heathers always bloom,
I will always be true
 To the highlands that are calling home for me.   

By many bonny lochs and rugged wild shorelines, 
Misty mornings and wide open spaces, 
My heart will always be  
Where the highlands are calling home for me.