Showing posts with label press. Show all posts
Showing posts with label press. Show all posts

Thursday, 30 March 2023

100 Years of Scottish Independence Activism

Months before the Great War, Westminster passed a Homerule for Scotland bill 1914, at the time Ireland was also agitating for home rule.

1) First there was the Home rulers – Keir Hardy, a founder of Labour, a miner turned journalist, Cunningham Graham, John McLean. 

2) Then there was The Poets (late 1830s) – Hugh MacDiarmid, Hamish Henderson, Edwin Muir,

1950s National Covenant for a Scottish Parliament, which 2 million signed; 


3)  The Intellectuals 1960s – third generation, Stephen Maxwell, (theorist), Gavin Kennedy, Tom Nairn (political theorist), Isobel Lindsay, Margo MacDonald, 


*Yes majority vote Referendum 1979, not accepted by Westminster


4) After came The Activists, the fourth generation – Alex Salmond, Winnie Ewing, Mike Russell, Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney, Cunningham. Knocked doors, manned stalls, leafleting, marches, 

With a message of hope they eventually won power in Holyrood. 


*Mini-parliament 1999, Referendum 2014.with yes vote at 45%

*The thirteen year old UK Supreme court (set up by Blair 2010) dared to compare Scotland to Quebec, when all Canadian “provinces” have the right to hold a referendum on any subject under the Canadian constitution. Reducing Scotland, as one of the founding nations of the UK union, as less than a province. 

Margo MacDonald

Winnie Ewing & Nicola Sturgeon
Jim Sillars

(**George Kerevan failed to mention the very significant and important grassroots YES movement around the INDYREF vote 2014 building momentum around the exhilarating, hope-filled debates for a better future and our independence.) 


5) Yes Movement - alongside vigorous diverse hard working activism, creative arts, discourse, and online activism, consists of Believe in Scotland, the National newspaper, Common Weal, 

With the Intelligentsia, academics, and journalists - Tom Devine, Lesley Riddock, Ruth Wishart, George Kerevan, Alan Bisset, Kevin McKenna, Gerry Hassan, Ian Bell, Stuart Cosgrove, more.


Foreign-owned media and press is another major factor.


John MacLean
Hugh MacDiarmid

Cunningham Graham - First elected socialist and a founder of both the Labour party and the SNP

John MacLean – revolutionist and educator

Ramsay MacDonald – first Labour Prime minster, fiery advocate of Scottish self-determination.. Home rule – meant Scottish sovereignty within the British empire

Intellectuals - traditional values of community and love of ideas with radical reconstruction of nation.

Devolution of political power to localities, local control of land and recourses.

Cunningham Graham

Thanks to George Kerecan’s recent article The National –
 Four Generations failed to win Scottish Independence. Will the next”  He asks “why are we still propping up Westminster… and what is to be gained from playing within the Westminster rules of the Anglo state for yet another lost generation?”  “The latest generation activists have all but exhausted constitutional avenues within the arcane, anti-democratic British prison of nations, for achieving Scottish statehood.”

I’m surprised Sunak defends Northern Ireland's sovereignty rights – but not Scotland’s. How is this democratic?


What next? We must stop viewing Scotland in Westminster rear view mirror. I'm so tired hearing that Scotland – CAN'T – because matters are reserved to Westminster. 

Independence is a process and journey.

And start seeing Scotland as its own free nation. With its own story to tell. The baton is now being passed to a new generation, 


How will they respond?

Ramsay MacDonald

Four Generations failed to win Scottish independence. Will the next?  What is to be gained from playing within the rigged rules of the Anglo state for yet another lost generation? Scotland: we are only on our knees because we refuse to stand up.



Tuesday, 20 September 2022

Noam Chomsky Dissent Across the Decades,


Noam Chomsky Dissent Across the Decades, gave an online talk at Edinburgh International book festival 2022.


Whether it’s discussing linguistics with Foucault in a televised debate, authoring more than 100 books or being a fierce critic of American foreign policy, Noam Chomsky has been a highly influential figure for nearly seven decades. Now in his mid 90s, he shows no signs of stopping and joins us today to discuss Chronicles of Dissent, an accessible and broad-ranging collection of talks for those who seek new perspectives on the big topics of our time.


*BOOK, Chronicles of Dissent, an accessible and broad-ranging collection of talks for those who seek new perspectives on the big topics of our time. Chomsky said that the corporate press often gets it wrong when ideas can be suppressed with things that you just cant think. We must encourage debate and to look elsewhere. To be different to totalitarian regimes. 


In 1920s,  where were the Russians getting information, from BBC and America – in fact many censored Russians better informed than Americans. Could the Ukraine war have been avoided if there had been some thought of Russian security and to Russian red lines, and not to move Nato to border closer.


Identity politics can be good. Scottish independence might be good, he said we would need think though the many consequences, and decide what you want for yourselves and also to retain the unity of UK. The UK can’t hang together in present form – is federalism an option? There will be lots of complications and consequences. Ireland reunification?


Brexit was a major error, and driven the UK into the pockets of the US. We face madman Putin, and the threat of fascism all over the world. Today levels of poverty are unprecedented.

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Protect Our Press!

“Democracy dies in Darkness” – Washington Post

Does the press matter? – its essential for democracy to have a free press. (and I hate the way President Trump makes fun of and puts down journalists. Its a great way to deflect from his own failings and mistakes). 

The print press informs how our Broadcasters select their main news items. We need journalists who are independent, and able and willing to question the actions of those in power. We must also protect balance in the press, as they do in other countries. 

European commission president, Ursula von der Lagen, “Now it is more important that ever that journalists are able to do their job freely and precisely to ensure that our citizens have access to crucial information so as to counter misinformation.” 

Subscribe to the National Newspaper!
The only Scotland independence supporting newspaper.
With shops closing around the country due to the coronavirus, newspaper sales are suffering badly. Please support the importance of informed journalism. 
Thank you.
To the National
For bringing together some of our top writers – and bringing together those with hopes for a better Scotland. For carrying an excellent range of articles, that cover not only the Scotland’s political landscape – but music, history, art, heritage, Gaelic, film, international, social and music, more. For encouraging readers letter! 
Keep up the good work and know you are valued. Especially in these challenging and crisis times. (And we used to think Brexit was a disaster!) I hope this crisis brings people together and helps them to realise what is of true value in our lives.

Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017, Year of the Looking Glass

Many in Scotland are angry and frustrated with the incompetence of a Tory elite who believe in out-dated privilege, In today’s modern world, why do we meekly have to accept an enforcement of major changes such as an ill-advise Brexit? 
….and we in Scotia long for self-determination

The Press and Media has become manipulated and controlled by algorithms.

“Thirty years of liberal twiddling with the lies of communication have made it almost impossible to broadcast anything but received propaganda.”  American critic Guy Davenport.
The purpose of journalism is to inform and disseminate, and if it isn’t, it isn’t doing its job.

Brexit is being run by incompetents with no idea of their end goal.

We had the horror of the Grenfell tower fire tragedy – Channel Four news and award winning journalist Jon Snow, exposed that the tower was run by a large incompetent and criminally out-of-touch management company. It is clear that there needs to be urgent changes made so that people can have a say in how their homes are managed.

In 2017 women roared and spoke out against the bullish bully Harvey Weinstein. A similar bully, Trump, sits on the seat of power in the American Whitehouse. This misuse of power towards women, with women as second class citizens defined the year. 
The major serious issue is that women are the main care givers of the old and of children, and nothing in our world is more important than the care of children.

HAPPY NEW YEAR! and that wiser heads may rule in 2018!

Sunday, 29 October 2017

The NATIONAL newspaper

The National was begun in October 2014, after the Scottish referendum vote. We do not have a free press here.
Most of the Scottish press has been and is foreign owned (except for the Sunday Post)
We have no laws to protect Scottish businesses.

The National offers an informed conversation across the broad platform of views and from opposite ends of the spectrum of political debates. As well as some of the best journalists writing in the business today - 
 Kevin McKenna (Herald), Pat Kane (musician and journalist), Lesley Riddoch (Scotsman), Gordon McIntrye Kemp (Business for Scotland), Literature Professor Alan Raich, Paul Kavanagh (Wee Ginger Dug), Cat Boyd, Caroline Leckie, and more.

The National also has memorable front covers.

Thanks National – I enjoy your well informed, sometimes radical, thoughtful, humorous, challenging, academic, honest articles – on the economy, arts, Scottish literature (Alan Riach), politics, humour and more! That are not full of gossip, innuendo, advertising as some other newspapers are. The press still matters because it informs Broadcasting.

Many excellent letters also - one recently suggesting Scotland and England needs a new "Treaty of Union" as the 300 year one is not fit for purpose. This was always a union of convenience and not love. Scotland has been offered and voted for its Home Rule many times. During the Great war 1914, Britain has become heavily centralised.  

Although lots of Scots support our self determination (around 45%) we only have one newspaper supporting independence.
97% of Scottish broadcasting and press is controlled by the British nationalist government. The figures are stark, of TV license money only 55% raise in Scotland is spent here – by contrast 75% and 80% are spent in Wales and Northern Ireland. Its a shocking state of affairs.

If Scotland had a media as diverse and representative as Catalonia, we’d already be independent.” Wee Ginger Dug
 All the other devolved nations have their own public broadcaster, the British state is expert at suppressing others they rule, they've had centuries of practice at it..... We have to choose now - the 'money-driven capitalist system of Westminster' OR the kind of Scotland, more compassionate and caring, we want to build from the local level upwards.

The animosity will be reduced once England understands Scotland’s resentment at the historic overlordship of its affairs by absentee landlords, American tycoons and paid servants of the Imperial war machine (…and oil money used for Trident and useless aircraft carriers)  

Excellent series this week on “THE GREAT OIL SWINDLE – by Alex Russell” in the National,

(Scottish Questions is dreadful – other MPs speak over it.  David Fluffy Mundell tells lies – one is over the tiny amount being given to Aberdeen – 2 million! )
When the truth is that Scotland’s Oil and Gas has been stolen and squandered by an incompetent Westminster.  In fact Scotland back in the 70s had as large an oil field as Norway – yet through extreme mismanagement only a half has been recovered compared to Norway.  The McCrone Report which stated Scotland would be one of the richest countries, was kept Top Secret for decades. It’s a shocking scandal.  Instead of the money going to Scotland it has gone to the multinational Oil Companies and into the UK government coffers for London infrastructure and for Trident.

“The total UK Government take from the North Sea Oil and Gas is of the order of 400 billion – but that figure is approximately a half of that obtained by Norway for similar production volumes. Logically, that might mean the take of oil companies has been disproportionately high due to Westminster mismanagement.
Now the UK government is asking tax payers to foot half of the bill to decommission the installations. They will be leaving rusting protruding legs with little red flags attached to alert fishing boats and nuclear submarines – to save these mega rich oil companies money. Never mind all this rubbish is far removed from London.

Friday, 23 December 2016

Independent Voices

It is important to listen to the ordinary person in the street to have good governance. On the Questions of information and Truth.

Most of us all agree with immigration of International students or scientists.
Most of us also agree about limiting uncontrolled immigration - that is too many unskilled coming all at once. Now we have to try to find common ground – is that possible? I listen to Leavers from Wakefield on the BBC Question Time who simply want out as fast as possible.  OUT of the single market without it seems any thought to trade tariffs. I assume the plan is trade with China or US instead. Meanwhile Trump plans his own US isolationism and protectionism and this doesn’t look so promising.

The Brexiteers claim they did extensive research during the EU Debates – where? – in Rupert Murdoch’s press, Facebook fake news, in TV Debates? I listened to many EU debates and I thought they were dreadful and misleading. Their conclusions are that Europe is robbing them of jobs. How is Europe to blame for lack of investment in the English NHS and education or the infrastructure (outside of London). Farage admits the bus saying 350m a week for NHS was simply a lie. 

Some ask – how can we find truth anyway/!

I did research too and came to different conclusions. I read editorials in both the right wing Times (Murdoch), Herald (independent), National (non Murdoch’s press), listened to debates on the BBC Newsnight and Scotland 2016. It is crucial to obtain as diverse news as possible, in a country where one person controls such a huge chunk of the UK Press.

Meanwhile May heads to Poland, Japan and India in the hopes of finding support. These countries want movement of skilled people and access to universities above trade of goods or services. Where does that leave England (and with Scotland being dragged along behind) then?

Britain no longer has a captive Commonwealth to do easy trade deals with. Cutting ourselves off from Europe – when we have centuries of connections and history – doesn’t seem advisable, either for prosperity, business, cultural exchanges, research and investment business or trade.
Scotland wants none of this isolationist movement – we want more connections not less. For Scotland our diversity, free thinking and interconnectedness is what has made our nation creative and innovative over the centuries. The last thing we would wish to do is to close doors.

I read recently Jim Sillars views that Scotland could do well on the Norway model, in the efta (European Free trade association)
They are consulted and agree to some of the EU directives. (So I decided to research Norway’s history, another BLOG)

The EU discussion on this Question Time seemed alien and nasty. However when they talked of the HR2 train the discussion became real at last – and they spoke of how all this money spent in London does little good for those in the north of the country.

The most significant arguments for the EU I read from political commentators – were those Freethinking, Individual voices. More than ever we need these independent free thinkers. Don’t believe 98% of political talk – its all jargon and manipulations. In fact Lies are the name of the game the more sensational the better...where are the people of substance?

Three criterion for decent press.
Range and variety
Freedom to speak the truth.
Success in revealing society (On one level how they speak and believed. On another level how a country functions politically, economically, culturally.)